So, it's my birthday in 2 weeks. Consider this the early warning as it's been pointed out to me that as it's near the end of the month people are likely to be skint. Go on, put a tenner/£20 aside now! Sticking with my usual "if it's not broken, don't fix it" attitude I plan to repeat last year's celebration of cocktails at revolution in Hockley. This worked well because:
- it's not too busy
- they have comfy seats for when you're pissed and slouchy
- they do food to combat beer munchies
- cocktails live there!
- I'm getting old and can't hack big nights out
- if you're skint you can still come along for a pint or two and you get to see me!
An illustration of the sort of thing that might go into aforementioned cocktails (including cheese!):
My birthday is Monday 26th March so I suggest starting that evening around 6-6.30. That said, if it makes it easier for anyone to attend this could be changed to Sunday afternoon from about 4pm - you may all still be dead from your Saturday night activities then though.
Any definite attendees? I'll do another post a bit nearer the time to remind you all. x
I forgot to ask, is anyone going to this burlesque exhibition watsit on Saturday the 24th? I've been asked to go oh behalf of my friend Laura who has some pieces for sale there. I'm definitely going but I really don't know much about it, apparently there's some afterparty thing? Anyone know more?