Mar 01, 2009 15:08
I rarely feel the need to write these days.
I've been utterly content.
A little bit of perspective can go a long way--
You can change your life and become eternally happy in one single instant.
It's so simple.
Don't believe me??
Tell yourself you will be happy, and don't let anything compromise that.
Not the bad things that will inevitably happen to you.
Not the bad days you have, or the bad moods you find yourself in.
Not the people around you who tell you that you're wrong.
Not the old habits you still hold into that seem to shape your persona.
You can be whatever you can dream, and you may be suprised at how free you really feel.
YOU make your life.
The good and the bad.
So if you think that you're stuck and there's nothing you can do to turn your life around--THINK AGAIN. Stop dwelling in the past and focus on the future. See only the things that are going to make you happy. You may be skeptikal, but your skepticism is what is holding you back and making it impossible to be truley happy. It may seem like a weak way to live life, but if you adapt it fully and don't let anyone or anything change it, you will be set for the rest of your life.
In other news.
I love my life. My boyfriend, my job, my home, my friends, my family.
The experiences I've had have brought me to this point, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This is what I wanted, and this is what I got. I couldn't be any happier!!!
I owe a lot to my friends and family.
But the majority, I owe to myself for not giving up until I found happiness.
For having an open mind and trying all the things I would have otherwise been too afraid to try. For trusting my friends enough to allow myself to share these experiences. I have shared the very best moments of my life with them, and without them it would not have been as profound. For knowing that I am strong enough to resist addictions, yet still enjoy the taboo things of our society. For not giving a flying fuck what anyone says about it, either.
Life is Good.