covertcy. is a word. that means stuff. and is not pertinent to this blog post.

Sep 20, 2007 10:17

So its been a long enough time since I posted here that I'm sure people think I don't use it anymore and therefore won't read it. Except maybe for Ardith. But she obviously doesn't count.....
There have been a lot of changes since last I wrote. I am back in Wenatchee again. Which makes me happy. I really missed the weather here. I always thought I liked rain until I moved to Burlington and it rained every damned day. I think people need sun every once in awhile for their brains to function properly.
It's strange that in Burlington I read even more than I had before. I'd average two threehundred page books a day. Now I'm lucky if I get that done in the week because I'm actively doing other things. Its exciting to feel like I'm living a semi-normal life again. I can see myself going to back school finally.
First I have to get my license. :/ I hate to drive, and therefore I'm not good at it and so I dread the driving test which makes me want to drive even less. Its a bad situation I've gotten myself into. Sometimes I wish it were possible to just start all over again from scratch. I don't know what I would change to make myself like driving more however.
You know how some people manage to write interesting blogs? Yeah this isn't one of those.
I miss my cat. It sounds so sad and pathetic but I do.
I'm going to go and work on my puzzle now.
If you read this then you are crazy. But I probably still love you anyway. In a purely platonical sort of way of course. Gah get your head out of the gutter...
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