Apr 16, 2008 21:31
When I think of how christians are supose to be these amazing, caring people I realize that the generalization is a complete fraud. They all can't be clumped into that category, because some of them are nasty swines. Yes, coup-loving pigs that wnat all the power and glory of everything that they touch.
Makes me want to throw up in my own mouth. I want to vomit into a cup, drink it, the upchuck again. Sort of a toss toss game with bile.
How can I want to be a part of an organization that does not stand next to the values the group holds so close to thier precious hearts? Its a fantastic way to get a hate club. Pretty sure I am the leader of this antibody.
They don't have a good body, they have a body of good that they all try to fit into. Like a babies sweater on a mans arm. Not only is the notion ridiculous, but the picture is laughable.
This weekend will be over slower than I think, I think. No, lets be a possitive sack,its not all bad. There are some good things.