Almost there. ALMOST.

May 02, 2008 22:24

In my waning college days, I find myself retreating more and more into consumer-laden websites of quirky, artsy products.

I've really just got a week left.

- script coverage for Rob
- short script for class
- 7 page essay comparing/contrasting Frankenstein and "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
- take home Shakespeare essay/final
- final report for internship site

- P-GRAD 5/9 :/

The grad stoles came today. So that's one off the list. Actually, I still have to remit a balance of the payment. But the stoles are blingin' so I'm excited:

I'm really anxious about my immediate job future. Sorta luckily, I have the drum corps season to take a break from that aspect and kinda figure things out. It's just that I go back and forth between feeling like I practically have a job lined up for me and fearing that I'll have to start from scratch in an industry that pays shit to begin with. Or "with which to begin" if you want to get grammatical about it.

Oh yeah, and when I'm not browsing cool material goods I can't buy, I sleep instead.

internets, rants

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