Take the quiz:
"What Is Your Kink?"
You are most comfortable when in control. Having someone at your beck and call makes you hot. You can be very demanding, and expect perfection! In the bedroom, you take charge. Your motto is It's My way or the highway!
Oky... so, maybe its true... at times... hey, i like being the submissive one too.. depends... hehe.
Anyways. I got to see the new manson music vid. at www.mansonmax.com/manson/news. ya gotta click on cliquez ici pour le telecharger. its in french... hot ;).
*Yawn***Stretch* mmmkay. its 5:10 im sitting here at work... not really working at all. i think i opened a total of 5 envelopes. im hopeing my boss doesnt come in anytime soon. and there is a frikin fly caught in the glass... i wonder... nm.
So yea im really dissapointed here wtf is anyone today. Hey Oscar! ya you! im really extreamely bored... help please ;) lol.
Actually here in... 2 hours i should be home curled up somewhere figuring out why i didnt graduate early and how hard i can hurl a pack of ciggeretts at bens head. Benji owes me... 2 packs of ciggeretts and at 11am he was too tired to get his ass up and help me out.... ahhh but i have friends like austin and nathan. hmmm.
Ya they both think i should get my lip peirced. Austin... heh thinks it would be good for so many purposes and i can demonstrate them at any time. i love that guy. seriously he makes my day a lil brighter when i just wanna throw things....
Cody has been to shy to ask me to homecoming he lead a half ass attempt to it... so im just waiting... its slightly ammusing watching him figure this out and then its the ritual with my parents....
I found the hottest homecoming dress... i cant wait to get it... hehe my daddy might not let me leave the house though. jk he wouldnt stop me... anyways......... Im fucking board! someone entertain me!!!! lol
much love