Mar 19, 2005 23:48
j.- i miss you. i miss you lots. i want to hang out with you and tell you more secrets, but you're too far away and it's all your fault. why couldn't you of been an idiot that had to stay in state?
m.- even after that week of us driving each other mad i still love you. i know we still have a week before any real conversation can occur, but i need perspective on things and i need it soon.
i.- no idea when i'm going to see you, but all i know is things are going to be different, for both of us. it's not that i'm scared of the changes, i just think that i'll like them more than i should.
l.- i wish you listened better. i tell you things and you really don't hear them. you'd understand the methods of my madness and probably everyone else's too. tune in. i was drunk and i knew what i was saying.
a.- i wish you loved yourself more than you do. he's shit and you can't see that. you want him because you can't have him and i think you do it to hurt yourself. you're so much better than everyone else.
m.- we've fucked up. we need to know what to do. you're the most intelligent and loveliest person i know and you don't think you're anything at all. please please please talk. no jokes. no wittiness. no cuteness. bastard.
j.- you'd think that since we get along so well and we say we're best friends, we'd know more about each other. i want to know you. we hurt you sometimes and i'm stopping. i'll stick up for you from now on.