The Two Drabble Things -- One Day Late

Sep 26, 2006 22:51

Sometimes, when it was dark, Billy was scared. He didn’t know why, but he reverted back to a child, haunted by terrors in the night. He’d always been ashamed, and he’d never told anyone. As if he didn’t have enough problems.

When Teddy came along, the nightmares stopped. Teddy was like a balm against the fear. Because Billy knew Teddy would die before he let anyone hurt Billy.

So Billy slept soundly, and Teddy watched him.
For Teddy, sleep had always been evasive. He pushed the usual teenage insomnia to new levels. Billy made him calm. Billy helped him sleep.

Title: Dependant.
Pairing(s): Kurt/Amanda.
Rating: PG, I think again.
Summary: Amanda thinks about Kurt.
Author's Notes: Because I love Amanda Sefton.
Disclaimer: Not making any money from them. Don't own, don't sue.

Amanda Sefton had never thought of herself as particularly romantic. In fact, she’d always been critical of those who were out for a whirlwind romance - because it was just silly.

But when she came back into Kurt’s life, everything changed. Maybe it was him, or maybe it was because they risked their lives together so frequently, but she came to be dependant on him.

Seeing him with someone else was so hard.

Having to be strong was even harder. She wouldn’t let him see her cry - she didn’t want to be the little sister he remembered, the one who needed him to defend her.
She wasn’t that little girl anymore.

kurt/amanda, billy/teddy

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