been along time gone

Sep 08, 2006 16:53

WELL, ive been busy , i guess you could say busy doing not much of anything.Ive been working, sleeping, i had the flu or a bug a couple of days ago and everyone thought i was pregnant except me*note i got the confirmation today that im not!Do you ever have conversations about how much you miss people that you used to work with and then the next day you see them or actually they see you and tap you on the shoulder and then you wonder why you lost in touch because they were such a great friend. That happened to me last night.I hadnt seen my friend Tammy in 3 years since i worked on days at UPS then bam out of no where she saw me and we talked for a little bit. Its crazy how people take paths in life and how some paths are great for one person but they arent good for others.Example she works like 80 hours a week and also has an internship. I asked her how she sleeps. Is that really living working that much i guess it is if you love to work.But to me its insane, i love me friends and i love my family and my dog this may sound childish but theres a saying im sure many of you heard no one wishes when they are about to die that they should have worked more they wish they would have spent more time with their families.Im not in school right now i havent been for 2 semesters i have alot of people ask me if i want to go back and yes i think eventually i do but my heart isnt set on anything so i dont have a drive for some deep accomplishtment do i want to find one yes but i also hate when i feel like im wasting my time in school when i can experience life. If i knew exactly what i wanted to do and was sure about it I would be ok with school but i cant sit there and be interested in passing and doing work if i feel like im going no where fast. I do want to find another job to go along with ups im keeping ups around in the hope that i will find something that i want to do for my career even though ive never went to school for studies its always been socializing ps for the most part.But i do want to find another job i have a dream and its pretty simple a house yes i want a house eventually a family of my own with paul and great friends that i can lean on and that need a place to lean.If you have ever seen the notebook my mind set is much like noahs i dont need all the riches in the world i dont care about having amazing things just an amazing life and people to share my life with i might sound corny but i dont care this here is dead honesty.Paul has been considering the army of course im trying to talk him out of it I dont want him blown to smithereans.But if his heart lies there i cant stop him i wont id hate for him to regret it for the rest of his life or hate me for it.I want to start saving money to get a down payment on a house in about a year and i also want a new car but that will have to be put on the back burner.well if anyone wants to hang out this weekend im going to the OKTOBERFEST ON SATURDAY AT THE GERMAN AMERICAN CLUB .CALL ME IF YOU WANNA GO WITH ME OR JUST HANG OUT. 550-3276
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