Sep 01, 2004 04:08
Dark3side: I used to drink everclear
Riv3rOfPlagues: oooooooh shit
Riv3rOfPlagues: Everclear is some strong as shit
Riv3rOfPlagues: *ass
Dark3side: yep
Dark3side: 100+
Riv3rOfPlagues: when I was on that road trip, I went to Louisiana....and infront of my soon to be wife and her friend, I did the biggest fucking fireball I have ever seen
Dark3side: :)
Riv3rOfPlagues: I set a piece of paper on fire....took a mouthful of everclear
Riv3rOfPlagues: and fuck ball lol
Dark3side: thatz eazy to do
Riv3rOfPlagues: it had to have been ten feet in length and eight feet in width
Dark3side: yep :)
Riv3rOfPlagues: tragically
Riv3rOfPlagues: I didn't close my mouth in
Dark3side: lol
Riv3rOfPlagues: so my mouth tasted like roasted alcohol
Dark3side: eww
Riv3rOfPlagues: and when I was spitting, I was spitting fire
Riv3rOfPlagues: my lips were still on FIRE
Dark3side: hehe
Riv3rOfPlagues: I couldn't feel the heat though, too much alcohol on them
Dark3side: dragon
Riv3rOfPlagues: yeah, pretty much!
Dark3side: blast the beer goes down like water
Riv3rOfPlagues: yes, like with me
Riv3rOfPlagues: Milwaukee's Best is pretty good stuff
Dark3side: :)
Riv3rOfPlagues: I pissed in a can of it, like all of the can...only 10% beer...and then gave it to this fucker I
Dark3side: lol yuck
Riv3rOfPlagues: He was trying to give it back, thinking it was strong beer...and I was like "Be a fucking man and chug it!"
Riv3rOfPlagues: So....he did
Dark3side: ewww
Riv3rOfPlagues: and when I was outside with my friend Daniel....
Dark3side: lol
Riv3rOfPlagues: He said, "You know, I hear urine tastes pretty sweet."
Riv3rOfPlagues: and I said, "Oh yes...So fabien (fucker I hated)....How did it taste?"
Riv3rOfPlagues: "Wha?"
Riv3rOfPlagues: "My did it taste? That's all that was in the can!"
Dark3side: been told that too
Riv3rOfPlagues: and he tried to wretch so
Riv3rOfPlagues: Another guy there, Harley, jumped on him and said "Quite being a bitch's just piss!"
Riv3rOfPlagues: We were laughing sooo hard...
Dark3side: lol
Riv3rOfPlagues: it was great...
Riv3rOfPlagues: then I kicked Fabien's drunken was even better
Dark3side: kewl
Riv3rOfPlagues: We were staying at a friend's house, and she would have gotten into a lot of trouble had somone found out she was giving beer to minors.
Riv3rOfPlagues: So, I punched him in the face and said "Don't you dare get this nice woman in trouble Fabien! Or I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU."
Riv3rOfPlagues: So he ran home scared....with my piss in his gut....
Riv3rOfPlagues: lol
Dark3side: lol
Dark3side: notes to watch his beer can around riv3
Riv3rOfPlagues: haha