Plot: High school teacher Seiji Hasumi is the most popular teacher at his school with an attractive smile. Yet, Seiji Hasumi is a psychopath. To solve some of his school's problems, like bullying, and to protect himself, Seiji begins to kill his students one by one. info credits: Sukaretto says: p.s. spoilers ahead. [read at your own risk.] Let me say this first, I really really really don't like gore. I love watching horror though. But gore, I just can't. I thought this was a horror movie, but it's more on the gore side. So I'm not sure if I'm qualified to review this because in some scenes, I just look away. XD The writing is good. It's a bit dull at some point, but for me, the ending was satisfying so I can ignore those parts. I also don't know why they make victims a bt stupid when confronted by the attacker. I can't really judge because I haven't been in that situation, and I don't want to be, and I symphatize to those who had to deal with that kind of situation because they don't deserve that. But this is a movie, there's a scene or two that the victims could've overpowered the attacker because: 1. he's distracted with loading his weapon or incapable of holding his weapon because he's doing something else; 2. although the attacker is big and fit and has a weapon, there's still the ration of like 10 victims : 1 attacker, and if they could have just worked together, they could possible overpower him. I don't know. This is one reason why I stay away from movies like this, there's just too many loopholes. I must say that Ito Hideaki was really good. He made me feel uncomfortable. Also Yamada Takayuki, although his screentime was so short. I think he was only in this movie to show us how good he is playing drums. XD