Plot: Hatori Matsuzaki is a female high school student. She has a crush on her childhood friend Rita Terasaka and believes he will eventually choose her as her heroine, but Rita Terasaka begins dating Miho Adachi. Meanwhile, the most popular male student, Kosuke Hiromitsu takes an interest in Hatori Matsuzaki.
info credits: Sukaretto says: p.s. spoilers ahead. [read at your own risk]This was perfect. This's so like Nodame Cantabile in terms of how it was adapted. Satisfied with the kissing scenes too! I mean you get to see real kissing and not just barely touching lips scenes. XD Kiritani Mirei was so good! I don't really like her much but she was so good here. I also like YamaKen's character. I've only ever seen him in timid/shy guy roles. First time watching Sakaguchi Kentaro though and gawd he's cute! I think I'm going to watch all his other drama/smovies. XD Anyway, this exceeded my expectation. I haven't read the manga but this made me want to read it.