Dec 20, 2006 15:41
since I posted. I have been busy with so many projects, it has taken my time.
It was very hard to lose Brother Rance but we all know he is in such a better place and his spirit is still so present in the church. We suffered a loss that was so painful but things are getting so much easier now.
He was in so much pain for months, it was was hard to see him in that shape.
God puts people in our paths that demonstrates so much compassion, friendship and love and Brother Rance was one of those people. He helped people to see they were made special made by God and their life meant something to so many. Heaven is so much sweeter with him there and I know he is having the most wonderful time walking with Jesus. Rance worked hard to get his rewards and his dedication to the Lord was unsurpassed..
I get to see my little grandson, Jesse, this weekend. He is a cutie and Tammy is anxious to come up and see him soon.. What a blessing he is. Sometimes we cannot see the purpose of things happening that are hurtful but in the end, God shows us the reason. I have seen a lot of that recently and all my 'why' questions have been answered. When one door closes, another one opens and that is such a true saying. I see that now.
I have made the decision to take classes on what I have wanted to do since I was in High School and it's finally happening. I already have my Nursing Degree, EMT license, Communications degree, Medicine Tech and American Sign Language Interpreter Certification and all this is wonderful but this next class is going to be awesome. It will take about a year and I can work at the local funeral home.
Having a big Christmas party at my house this weekend and getting ready for that these last few days. Have some games planned, lots of food and just a good ol time of fellowship.
May God richly bless each one who reads this and have a blessed Christmas..