I've been putting off updating for ages now. Not so much because I feel a lack of creativity, I've just been beyond busy this past month. I think this is the first time in my life where i've had to carefully monitor and manage my FREE TIME. But exam season is over for the moment and it won't be returning for another 3 months, so I think i'm well due a quick recap!
Christmas was KICK ASS!! I swear I havn't had such a good christmas since when i was a wee lad. Thinking about it, I can't remember anything amazing that specifically stood out, it was just a great christmas! Sam came over and we exchanged presents, I got her one of these:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/KIGURUMI-Animal-Pajamas-Fancy-Dress-Costume-Wolf-/330493561397?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item7dbbdb8815and she got me a bunch of presents, the highlight of which being the Akira Kogami figure. God, when i unwrapped that i squealed like such a bitch and my mum was all "Jesus,what could possibly be so go- oh it's just a figure of a little girl, why is my son such a faggot?". Then we played board games and twister and karaoke all day, such a good day~
For new years my mum hosted a party, which i thought was going to suck because she doesn't really have any experience with that type of thing, but it went pretty well, i gotta admit. Sam came and i thought it would just be us two sitting in the corner whilst all the adults talked, but there were a few people our age and although we didn't share the same interests (if i had a penny for every time i've had to sit in a circle of guys and listen to them talk about football...), but it went relatively well.
Then new years passed and I hit the books....so damn hard. Well, maybe that's not true strictly speaking. It was more of a gradual progression from "Man, i love holidays" to "SHIIIIIT, THE HOLIDAYS ARE ALMOST OVER AND I HAVN'T DONE ANYTHING!!". In hindsight I really wish i'd done more for the last week, because this past week has just been insane. Getting my essays written was easy, because I love writing essays. I actually went over the word count requirement for all my first drafts. Exam revision was both easy and hard. I didn't start revising for Fundementals Of Programming until the morning of the exam and i still feel pretty confident i aced it. I understand we can't learn the advanced stuff without going over the fundamentals, but to say the exam was a waste of my time is an understatement. The actual advanced programming exam was another story. We've had six weeks to write a pretty sophisticated piece of software for which we'll have to alter in the exam to show off the flexibility of our code. I started writing my program, like...5 days before the exam? Which is actually a lot earlier then when i normally start.
I remember being up the night before the exam, i figure i'll stay up pretty late to finish off my code, so i drink a big mug of coffee. It's about 1 in the morning and i should be streaming through, but i just didn't feel that programmer magic, so i figure i'll go to bed and get an early start instead, the exam isn't till 2 so i should have plenty of time! I literally spent the entire night wide awake in bed just...thinking. There were times when i was thinking about what functions i needed to implement still in my program; and then there were times when i was thinking what it must actually be like to be a little magical girl. So i get up and move my ass to uni. Get there at about nine with a cup of starbucks coffee in my hand. From there I programmed non-stop till three. By the end of it my program was soo fucking sweet, a masterpiece! I got a little pissed when one of the guys in my class had created a visual interface in flash rather then just the raw code, but i was still really proud with what i'd done. Plus my coding looked so professional compared to some people's. My program worked perfectly with just under three hundred lines of code, but one guy could barely get his to function with over five hundred! "Class fuck up" came in like 10 minutes before the exam and was all "Yorkie I have no idea how to make my program work, please help me ;-;". I felt sorry for the guy, because this shit really is crazy complicated, so i quickly went through his coding and told him what he was missing. Havn't seen him since the exam, so i don't know if he was able to intergrate the changes i told him he needed to make, but i gotta say, it felt pretty sweet being on the other end of the "good student who knows his shit helping the class fuck up" relationship. As for the actual exam, I can't say I did too good. The alteration they asked us to do was surprisingly difficult and i was crashing from having had nothing but coffee. I got the basic layout done, but I had a tiny recurring error that i couldn't figure out how to get around. It's the kind of thing a teacher would point out how to fix in a second though, so hopefully i'll have done alright. I only needed a fraction of the marks for that exam to pass the module anyway, so it's no biggie really, though i do feel a certain level of pride as a programmer and frustration at having my masterpiece ever so slightly ruined,
After the week of hell, i've tried to do nothing but video games this weekend. It's gone by horrifyingly quickly, but i feel like i've done a decent amount of relaxation. I'm ready to start my second semester and kick even more ass.