Feb 16, 2006 19:34
1) List fifteen things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Disable comments.
4) Never discuss it again.
1) I admit that I miss you a lot, especially lately because there's stuff going on I always thought you'd be around for. We just aren't good friends, and we're constantly bringing out the worst in each other. My leaving was not out of anger or anything. In the beginning it was, but after thinking it over I realized we're better off this way. I'm sorry, but I can not be your friend anymore.
2) You don't even seem to grasp the level of betrayal you hit the way you spoke to me at the end of last year. If you think you made a mistake, TELL ME! I still won't talk to you but you owe me that much. Today when we joked around for a second, it was nice. I missed that. But now anytime we talk I feel guilty because it's like I'm hurting myself again. You're the one who told me to leave you alone, so either act like you got your wish or apologize already!
3)You accept me as I am, you're always there when I need a friend, and you do your best to constantly remind me that you care. There are no words that could adequately thank you for just being yourself.
5) I like your talent for showing up just when I need prevention from falling apart. Nobody understands the feeling of having the weight of the world on their shoulders like you do. I wish there was more I could do to be there for you. I rarely see you without a smile, and I applaud you for that. You're probably the most amazing person I've ever met, and I hope we're friends forever.
6) I'm glad we're talking more often again. Giving up my closest friends was a tough decision to make my senior year, especially with recent events. It's nice to still have you around to confide in and share every little detail with.
7) I DID TOO contribute! You're just a self-righteous snob who has nothing better to do besides bring everyone else down around you. THANK YOU for kicking me out. Now I never have to feel like I'm looking Satan in the face ever again.
8)I wonder sometimes if you notice that I'm not the same lately. I know you're busy making sure everything works out for me, but it's like I'm falling apart right in front of you and you haven't seen it yet.
9)You irritate me to no end. It bothers me how much you irritate me. You need to stop being so critical of everyone around you and grow up already.
10)It's like I can't trust you anymore. I mean one lie turned into another and now I feel like you're laughing at me and trying very hard to not be close to me anymore. You know first hand how bad it feels for someone to do that, and you also know I'm still getting over the last time it happened to me. Despite the short amount of time I've known you, I love you and value our friendship a great deal. You don't have to always tell me the whole truth, I just don't want to lie to me.
11) I still have trouble not thinking of/referring to you as my ex. I hope some day I'll be able to love someone as loyally and as deeply as I loved you. A part of me always will love you, even though I don't want to be with you anymore. But I'm soooooo glad we're friends now and I can finally feel comfortable with you. Just hopefully next time you're in town you'll actually come see me!
12)You're my hero. I wish I could tell you this. I hate that you're so far away and that I rarely see you anymore. I wear the locket every day so I can remind myself that I'm always in your heart. I hope the qualities I share with you can help make me grow up to become something similar to the amazing person you've always been.
13)You think you're a lot better than you really are, and frankly I think you're selfish and disturbing.
14)Despite all appearances, I do love you. You're a great guy and I'll always consider you one of my best friends. We can share horror stories about the women in our lives and comfort each other about things everyone else just won't understand. You have the advantage over almost everyone else cuz you've known me my whole life.
15)I wish you'd stop trying to change me. I also kind of resent you for not supporting my life. It feels like we're less close now because you're always accusing me of things that just aren't there. I can't even tell you everything that's on my mind because I'll get some judgemental remark or another statement telling me God is not supporting me. Do you honestly believe God will turn me away in the end because of who I am? I don't hurt anyone, and you know this. You've seen what a passive person I can be, and how compassionate I've always tried to be, but you still see me as less than you for one minor detail.