Mar 26, 2007 02:09
So I was watching that video of the kittens in a box that I posted in my journal a couple entries ago. All the little kittens are black, except one that's black and white.
I was thinking about that little black and white cat. Wondering if his/her brothers and sisters treat him/her differently because he/she (ok for clarity sake let's just say the cat's a guy) is different from the rest of them. Not unlike how people are.
For example, if you've met my whole family, you know I'm the only one with dark hair and green eyes. Everyone except my mom is blonde with blue eyes (not counting my dad who was blonde till he went grey). In fact they all have very blue eyes. I look really different compared to them.
Then I thought about that kitten. If you watch the video, which cat do you watch the closest? One of the all black ones, or the one who stands out.
That kitten's really lucky.