I'm sick/RELIGION???

Aug 29, 2004 00:18


Well tonight I got in this huge religious argument. Ugh I don't feel like typing it (I wish I could just talk and this damn thing typed it for me) but here goes. Please comment.



This is not meant to be hypocrisy by any means, but please do comment and give me your insight on this matter.

I have this manager, Shantae, and she is... well, a very religious woman. Now, I am not religious by any means. I was raised to think rationally and to think what I want to think, and I am not easily swayed by anyone. And I hate when people try to push their shit on me... all people hate it. I don't really... believe in any god. Shantae involves "Jesus and Christ" in just about everything she does or says. No exaggerations here. I will be singing a song at work and she'll tell me how that song is in some way affiliated with "Jesus our Savior." Or I will be telling people a story and she'll be like "Well in the Bible, so and so would have done this..." and I CAN'T STAND IT. Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and good for them, should they stand up for what they do happen to believe in. However they should not push it upon other people. They should not openly speak about it when they have no idea what other people's beliefs are.

So today, I just snapped. She left me alone on the assembling table to run into the office to get her bible in the middle of a rush, no joke. I got so fucking mad. And then I think she said something about being partially Indian or something, and mentioned something about their god. I snapped back "Well how do you know that their god is real and yours isn't??" And she started giving me some cockameme bullshit about scriptures. I questioned who even wrote the bible and her answer was people that experienced god first-hand wrote the thing. Alright, well how do we know they weren't just a bunch of lunatics, or better yet, liars?? She said you have got to have faith... and being a smart ass I said "Well, do you have faith in Santa Claus??" She said no, he's not real. Ah-ha! It's the same principle... it's kind of like a legend... you've heard stories and no one knows for sure (children at least), but you know you always question it in the back of your mind. How do you know there really isn't a big fat jolly man in a red suit who goes from town to town delivering toys? God seems just as whimsical and magical as he does. The pieces don't quite fit. At all.

So I love Danielle to death but she's got a mouth on her. I go "Shantae... hypathetically, let's say someone you worked with didn't believe in god. What if they couldn't stand anymore to hear about your love of christ??" Danielle goes "Yeah Courtney doesn't believe in god and she's so sick of your shit." Man, her attitude just flipped around. She started telling me she has undenyable proof he's real. She said she prays and she gets what she wants, like, that day. I was like woo hoo, sometimes things are looking down for me, and then they'll turn around and everything will be fine. But... oh no... I hadn't prayed. Then she said people pray for you. Oh my god... no pun intended, but, am I to believe that all the people that surround me, who are not religious, pray for me? I explained to her that that is called coincidence. She shook her head in disgust. I am sorry if I am an extremely rational person... I mean... that all seems too easy. And really... you've got to know even if a god did exist, which one was real? There's got to be thousands of different nationalities and religions and beliefs. And some would sacrifice their lives for... a chance? A chance their god was real. I mean some cultures 4, 5 times a day whip out a mat and pray towards the sun. That's dedication. Dedication I definitely do not possess.

Well I'm sorry to those I offened, just remember these are personal beliefs. I'm not trying to persuade you by any means. I'd like some positive and definitely negative feedback. I want to know how/why you believe what you do. I also want to know if there's those out there like me who can understand what I mean. Thanks.
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