Ice Cream Black Tea

May 11, 2010 14:35

So I think that as part of my SoG I'm going to take up a new hobby: chilling in coffee shops with laptop. The only reason I've been opposed to this is because I'm opposed to carrying my laptop anywhere. But seeing as I *have* to for work, and I live right by a Blenz and (THE HORROR) a Starbucks, why not? It will also be good for journalling ^_^ Wow I feel like one of those Fivebucks coffee shop Artiste's or something now...gah I just like tea and cookies! Can you blame me =(

Also I'm fucking bored at work because I'm supposed to be reading up on things. I hate it when bosses are super busy so they throw a bunch of articles and textbooks at you. It's really inefficient! I learn more in the 5 minutes things are explained to me than in the 5 hours I spend reading. It's true, and it's WHY I rely so heavily on attending class and barely study for exams.

Oh well. Coffee shop tonight ^_^

angular momentum, journalling, tea, work

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