Apr 12, 2011 22:22
First of all, I would like to apologise for lack of contact nowadays everyone.
I got hired at a nearby elementary school, as grade 1 teacher.
I was so shocked when they reached me via email on the first of April.
After all, it is unusual to look for someone when it's just about the start of the semester.
However, it turns out one of the staff had to give premature birth, so I was quickly called in at the school I did my co-op on.
For a moment, I thought it was the April fool's joke, but I was glad I decided to go to the interview anyways.
(Sorry about the super late birthday congratulation Daisuke kun, on that note.)
I felt horrible for giving such a short notice to my prior work, however the manager had been very accepting.
She did hint though, it would be nice if I could find a substitute for them.
I was contacting my friends frantically, to find a new retailer.
The atmosphere at school are quite different from how it had been in my co-op days, and sometimes it sits heavy like chain of steel air, opperessing every adult in the meetings.
However, dispite all that's happening, it's good to see that children are still being children.
I personally feel, instead of becoming tired or being drained from the work, that it recharges me.
Their smiles, and energy, It's like the blooming cherry blossoms.
Each of them are small little petals, but when you look from afar, it colours the city with fresh air of life.
To me, they speak hope.
...Mn, sorry for being too sentimental.
Though, on that note, I would love to go on Hanami, just as Hikari-chan suggested. :)
Any date and time on mind everyone?