May 31, 2006 13:43
30 days until my plane leaves from Detroit, bound for Heathrow Airport in London. I am EXCITED!!! even though it means not seeing Phil for about 7 1/2 weeks :(
We will both be busy having adventures - him in Greece, and me in England. I'll have an international cell phone and my laptop so hopefully we'll be able to communicate sometimes.
I'm going to London to study Women's Studies... we're going to lots of different museums, and seeing three plays: The Taming of the Shrew outside at Regents Park, Billy Elliott, and an adaptation of Jane Eyre. I'm hoping to take a couple of side trips as well, including weekends to Paris and either Edinburgh or Dublin. Even typing all this out, it seems completely surreal.
The group I'm going with is small (there's only 15 of us) and includes a few people I'm already friends/acquainted with, like Amber, Jacq, and Shlee :) Beer is [ EDIT: plentifully available and not too expensive :-P ] and there is an H&M store. Even with just those two things, I'm guaranteed to have a blast ;)
AHHH I can't wait!!