My Exes

May 07, 2006 12:48

The list of those I've loved...

My first boyfriend was in junior high. He will go nameless. He told me that I could never break up with him because I was too fat for any other boy to ever like me. Then he cheated on me and dumped me.

High school... Matt O'Connor. Nicest guy on the planet. Spoiled the hell out of me though, unfortunately. Because he constantly treated me like royalty, I expected EVERYONE to treat me like that, and it distorted my reality of relationships for years.

Rich... He matured FAST in that relationship. It's like I watched him grow up in less than a year. He definitely holds a place in my heart that no one else can ever have.

Frank: The one that made ME mature. He was like a slap in the face, no-bullshit kinda boyfriend. And I never ever regret anything with him, but I believe we were brought together out of fate to be the friends we are now. Man... we went through SO much together...2 years of on-and-offness. He's one of the most important people in my life.

Ryan: My companion in many ways... my male counterpart... a bond that can never br broken. I still love him, and he deserves better than he's ever had. He's just gotta lay off the chick flicks.

Tim: The one that made me realize I'm not invincible. The first one that actually stopped speaking to me after the breakup. We had some good times, yeah, but should have never dated, we were too good of friends to risk ruining it. Things got all shitty and another friendship wound up ending because of it, because people like to take sides. Eh, nothing I can do short of that time machine.

Erik: The relationship where I told myself "I'm not going to be a foolish, whimsical little girl anymore, I'm an adult, damn it." So I forced myself to have an "anything goes" knda relationship. A lot of my friends hated him and I was pretty isolated because of it, but I didn't care. He was probably the funniest of all, and he met the love of his life through me. Gotta love fate.

Joe: God damn it. I still can't really explain what he means to me. Being with him was like being in a sitcom... never a dull moment. Us breaking up was always my fault, and a matter of right-place wrong-time. I couldn't handle that much man (haha) but hopefully someone amazing can. One of the best friends I can ask for.

Gabe... almost feels dirty typing that name. I feel dirty whenever I think about him, because he goes under the "biggest mistake of my life" label. He has issues. He was always calling his ex "the biggest BITCH in the world" and stating how much he hates her and never wants to see her again because she's psychotic and evil... I shoulda known that anybody who would talk that way about a girl is a bad candidate. Again, another case of a friendship being good and getting ruined by dating.

Oh my, that's it.
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