Oh Sweet Death~

Oct 22, 2008 12:22

Apparently it's MY turn to be Captain--and we're about to encounter some fun time. From now on, we're ALL on attack to any pirate ships we see that we come across as hostile--as deemed by me, the Captain. After all, can't cross the seas worrying about evil pirates on every turn, can we?

...Though, killing cleaning up the seas is going to take a bit, so all the lovely women of the crew get to tend to the ship while we're away stealing treasure. Captain's orders are you have to wear aprons just like my darling Chane's--they're already in the kitchen for you ...ignore the blood stains--they just didn't seem toe come out in time in the laundry--even you, Miss Talking doll--you get your own mini-one! It's important that everyone do their part after all!

Oh yeah, the rules...well, I don't have much on me--just have fun! Though if you get TOO rowdy, I may have to take it upon myself to teach you manners, and trust me, that won't be fun...well for you guys--for me it'll be plenty! I don't mind it but apparently everyone else does--try to keep the amount of body parts around on the deck to a minimum--or not. As long as they don't start getting too smelly, I think they're swell decorations!

Ok, Sweet Death, on the offense!

Everyone's on attack, even those at home--because no one should invade our ship, that's just rude, you know?

I expect many joyous stories about your winnings~! Everyone has to at least get rid of one bad guy--even Lambo and the Old man!

If anyone needs help or wants to know the PROPER way to dispose of bodies kill without identification raid, the Captain is ALWAYS willing to help~!

vino's in charge, messy time is messy, hai we're keeling ur crews, fun for everone--mostly claire, captain claire

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