Dec 30, 2004 20:06
Because I haven't done one in a long time, here's a survey. Oh joy.
[ basics ]
first name : Gwendolyn
middle name : Elizabeth
last name : Carlton
nick names : Wendy, pickles, dumb ass
goes by the most : Wendy
sex : female
hair color : goldish red
eye color : Brown
height : 5'2
status : Single
location : Texas
occupation: student, I guess
Righty or Lefty: Right
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
siblings: 2 brothers
Music: rock, hard rock, I like a bunch of music really. Anything but rap, really.
Slushy Flavor: the blue kind
Magazine: Eh...the weekly standard? I read a lot of catalogs...
Subject in School: Japanese
[ favorites ]
color : scarlet
animal : uh...birds, I suppose.
show : Adult Swim
sport to watch : swimming
drink : Pepsi twist
food : Thai and Japanese
fruit: uhhh...strawberries? I dunno, I don't usually think of this crap
ice cream : coffee
song : can't pick one, I like a bunch.
thinqs to do : sculpt, do computer shit (making layouts, graphics, blah blah), boys
movies : LoTR, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean
place to go in summer : uh, my pool?
place to go in winter : ...jeezus, I don't know!
[ series 1 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald`s
Single or Group Dates: single
Adidas or Nike: I don't like either. Sketchers
DC or VANS: eh?
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Rugrats or Doug: Rugrats
Single or Taken: taken
Monica or Brandy: neither, I don't like R&B
One pillow or Two: I...don't really care...
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
[ series 2 ]
Your most overused phrase: "son of a bitch"
First thing you think when you woke up: "Why does my head hurt?"
First feature you notice of opposite sex: hair, eyes, chest (no, not boobs)
Your greatest fear: uh...a lot of things I guess
[ series 3- opposite sex ]
Best eye color: gray, blue
Best hair color: black
Short or long hair: Longish
Best height: Taller than me
Best weight: don't really care
Best clothes: I like 60's clothes, sort of like Jet's or Rooney's style...or something
[ do you ]
Have a crush: not really, sorta...
Think you've been in love: yes
Want to go to college: sorta
Like high school: Fuck. No.
Want to get married: yes
Type correctly: yes
Get motion sickness: if I read in a car
Get along with your parents: yup
Like thunderstorms: if I'm not alone during one
[ series 4 ]
Do u like to sing in the shower? : not really, no
Do u like to sing? : I don't like to tell people this, but yeah
Birthday: 02/02/88
What do you want in a relationship most? : uh, a guy?
Have you ever cheated?: yes
Do you have a car? : pff, I can't even drive yet...
What kinda car do you want?: light blue mini coop S with white stripes and a white top. Yes, I've thought about this a lot.
Favorite flower: Dark, dark red roses.
Disney Character: Tigger!
Do you plan on having kids? : Yes, definitely. Like a bazillion kids, I'm gonna have kids like a catholic woman would have kids.
How old do you want to be when you are married?: around 20ish
Would you have kids before marriage? : no
Dopey or Funny: goofy
Do u have a boyfriend or girlfriend? : no
Do you have a crush: sorta
Music or TV: uhhhh...if I had to pick one? I'd practically die without either of them
Guys or Girls: for dating? guys
Pink or Purple: purple
Summer or Winter: winter, me likie snow
Night or Day: night
Hanging Out or Chillin: hanging out, I do not "chill"
You know I'm around when you hear: "oh, god damnit son of a bitch!
What school do u go to? : home schooled
Are you on MSN? no
What's a major turn on for you? : hair, eyes, lips, and being goofy
Movies or dinner: dinner
What have you recently cried over or got teary about? : I don't tell people about when I cry
What's something about anything you don't get: uhm...cheese balls. Why?
What's an object you can't live without? : ehhhh, CD player I guess
Love or Lust: Love
Silver or gold: gold
Diamonds or pearls: pearls
Sunset or sunrise: Sunrise
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? : yeah right...
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? : no
Do you have any piercings? : yes, ear piercings
What color underpants are you wearing right now? I dunno, I don't usually check what color they are.
what song are you listening to right now? : Still Standing - The Rasmus
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? : depends on what my favorite country is at the time.
who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? : Dunno, don't really have any all
What makes you happy? : music
What's the next CD you want to get? : Jimmy Eat World or something
Do u wear contacts or glasses? : nope
What's the best advice given to you? : "Hey, don't put that in your mouth! You don't know where it's been!"
Have you ever won any special awards? : not really
What are your future goals? : Start a BJD company and get married, and have looooots of babies
Worst sickness u ever had: I had a really bad flu in 2002
Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? : funny, I can't watch scary movies, I'm a chicken shit
On the phone or in person: Person
Hugs or kisses: kisses
What song seems to reflect you the most?: Not like the other girls - the Rasmus, Funeral song - the Rasmus, or Time to burn - the Rasmus
If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything to? : Uh, my computer. I am my computers bitch.
Do u have any enemies: I don't think so...
Would you rather be rich or famous: rich
What time is it in GA : ...what's GA again? Georgia? Uh, well, it's 8:03 pm in TX so...I dunno.
Have you ever loved someone?: Not telling
Have you met Santa? : no
When was the last time you talked to the person you like? : I don't really "like" anyone.
Do u have any pets? : a dog, and two cats
Are you an alcoholic? : No, but I wanna be one of those rich old ladies who drinks all the time, and is really witty.