To-Do List

Sep 04, 2008 20:40

So, here's my agenda for the next few weeks:

1.) >Find a job that will be flexible enough to accomodate my college schedule for this fall and onwards.

a.) Pay for the "Optional" book I need for my Art 111 book.

2.) Break out of this writer's block that I've been stuck in for a few weeks now.

a.) Write something other than the prompts given at sga_flashfic .

b.) Write something more than 7 chapters. Maybe even think about doing NaNoWriMo.

c.) Get a beta or two.

3.) Figure out what I want to do for Halloween.

a.) Something Dr. Horrible related, if possible, but the generic "mad scientist" will work just fine.

4.) Suceed in college and try not to get over-stressed- This is a must.

5.) Hang out more with my boyfriend.

a.) Given the fact that our college schedules are wildly different, this may be difficult. Sigh.

Any ideas on how I can accomplish these would be most welcome, as would applications for betas. That is, if anyone actually reads this journal.

life: job, stuff, fic: writing, life

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