Fic: Uncharted Territories (4/14) (SPN, Gen)

Jul 19, 2012 01:01

Chapter Four: Small Beginnings

Chapter Word Count: 1,225

Total Fic Word Count: 5,812/?

Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three ||

Sam was awoken a few hours later by an enthusiastic series of knocks on his door. He jolted awake, one hand reaching for the nearest weapon before he came back to himself and realized where he was. Sam padded over to the door, gun held loosely in one hand, and checked out the peephole. When he saw who it was waiting for him, he sighed, tucked the gun into the back of his waistband, and, once the sidearm was concealed under his shirt, opened the door. He only got a few seconds worth of time to brace himself before Becky launched herself bodily at him. She actually managed to rock him back a few steps with the force of her hug; Sam noticed with slight annoyance that she had scuffed the salt line across the threshold. No matter. He could always fix that later.

Lee stood in the doorway, watching the proceedings with an amused expression fixed firmly on her face. “Becky, sweetheart, let the man breathe,” she drawled after a few seconds. “We kind of need him in one piece, y'know.”

“Right, right, sorry.” Becky released Sam, who drew in a deep breath gratefully.

“Becky, what's going on here?” he asked, wanting to get to the heart of the matter as soon as possible.

“I'll explain on the way,” Becky said, grabbing hold of Sam's wrist and starting to pull him towards the door. Lee stopped the two of them there, holding out a hand to make Becky come to a halt.

“Let him get his stuff first, Beck,” she said firmly. “Otherwise he'll be locked out of his room at the very least.”

Becky frowned but released Sam, who gave Lee a thankful look before he grabbed his coat, keys, and wallet from the various flat surfaces he'd put them on when he'd first come into the room. Sam shrugged his coat on and then closed the door behind him as Becky led the way, Lee ambling along by her side. The three of them made their way back to the diner, where Sam was pleasantly surprised to see Sheriff Mills, Garth, and, last but not least, Missouri Mosely, all of whom were sitting at several tables that had been pushed together. There were a few other people there as well that Sam didn't recognize, but he figured that if Becky had invited them, they were hunters also; they certainly carried themselves with the habitual wariness of hunters, at the very least.

Sam sat down in the seat Garth pulled out for him, giving the others a pleased but confused smile. Becky took a seat across the table from Sam, while Lee dropped into one of the last chairs at the far end next to one of the men Sam didn't recognize. There were nine of them in all, with four men and five women arranged around the conjoined tables. Becky looked around at all of them with a bright smile and then reached down to retrieve a satchel bag from under the table.

“Okay, so I'm sure you guys want to know why you're here, right?” she began, opening the bag and pulling out slightly rumpled sheaves of paper from within.

“That would be nice,” Jody said dryly. Becky nodded as she started to hand out papers to everyone.

“Well, to begin with, you're all hunters,” Becky said, “and not of the deer or bear kind. You've probably heard of one another by reputation if not by name, so feel free to introduce yourselves while I do this. I'm Becky Rosen, by the way.”

“Jody Mills,” Jody said after a moment's pause. Encouraged by this, the others began introducing themselves, with Lee following after Jody.

“Lee Harper.”

“Garth Fitzgerald.”

There was a soft murmuring from a few of the hunters at Garth's name; while he wasn't as well-known as the Winchesters, the Harvelles, or Bobby, he was still pretty good at what he did. One of the hunters Sam didn't recognize introduced himself next.

“I'm Quentin Jones,” he said, a clipped New England accent flavoring his words.

“Missouri Mosely.”

The last woman, a svelte redhead smiled tightly before saying, “Sasha Beringer. I'd rather not be here, but then again, there's not much choice, given the circumstances.” She turned to the man across from her. “What about you?”

“I'm Jake Cooper,” he said, “and I'm right there with you, Sasha, but I guess we'll just have to work together regardless.”

Jake then looked at Sam. “And who are you?”

Sam sighed and then shrugged. “My name's Sam,” he said. “Sam W--”

Before he could finish speaking, there was the sound of harsh wingbeats, which heralded the arrival of yet another person Sam wasn't expecting to see-- Inias. The lanky angel was in bad shape; his clothes were all torn up and hanging off of him in rags. He was bleeding from the head and had various other wounds scattered around his body. He swayed on his feet and then collapsed to the floor with a groan.

To Sam's surprise, it was Lee who first reacted to Inias's appearance: she gasped sharply, one hand flying up to cover her mouth before she pushed back her chair and got quickly to her feet.

“Who's that?” Quentin asked in confusion, watching as Lee scrambled towards Inias, nearly knocking over her chair in her haste.

“That's my big brother,” Lee said breathlessly, going to her knees next to Inias, not caring how harshly her knees came into contact with the hard checkered floor. Inias looked dizzily up at her, a bleary smile forming when he focused on her face.

“Hi, Pidge,” he murmured fondly. Lee returned his smile with a tight one of her own.

“Heya, Goose,” Lee replied, her voice wavering a little as she spoke. “What the hell happened to you?”

Inias coughed wetly. “Leviathans,” he said with a grimace. “They didn't get close enough to kill me, but they did rough me up quite a bit before I managed to get away.” He started to cough again, blood flecking his lips. Lee's eyes widened in panic and then laid her hands on Inias's chest, ignoring the blood entirely as she tried to get the healing process kick-started. Blood started to vanish from Inias's skin as his wounds slowly began to close, leaving faint healthy pink flesh in its wake.

“Hey, Lee?” Becky asked timidly. “Maybe it'd be better if you did this somewhere a little more private?”

“Hmm?” Lee looked up from her healing, a distant look in her eyes. “Oh, I suppose. Can I use--”

“Do whatever you need, Lee,” Becky told her friend. Lee nodded and then disappeared in a rush of wings, taking Inias along with her. The only evidence that anything had happened was a small pool of blood that marked the spot where Inias had collapsed. The assembled hunters sat there in silence for a little while, and then Helen spoke up, asking the question almost everyone was wondering.

“What the hell just happened?”

“Angels,” Sam replied in bemused surprise. “Well, that changes everything.”

“What? Why?”

“Because,” Sam explained quietly, “it means we actually have a better chance of getting through this alive.”

genre: gen, fic: fanfic, fic: uncharted territories, fandom: spn, fic: writing, fic: stories, mood: happy

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