Title: Adagio for the Moon
Genre: Supernatural/Crime/Drama
Rating: PG-13/T
Character list:
here Warnings: Language, violence, etc. Nothing you wouldn't see within the show itself.
Archivings/Recs: Recs, yes; Archives/lists, not without permission. Comment on this post for permission.
Final Wordcount: 13,998
Summary: The discovery of a dead Petty Officer starts a long and harrowing investigation for a team in the Major Werecreatures Crimes Response Unit of the NCIS. The race to find out who is behind the murder and whether or not more murders can be stopped in time is on.
Chapters 1-6
{{Chapter One}} |
{{Chapter Two}} |
{{Chapter Three}} |
{{Chapter Four}} |
{{Chapter Five}} |
{{Chapter Six}} Chapters 7-12
{{Chapter Seven}} |
{{Chapter Eight}} |
{{Chapter Nine}} |
{{Chapter Ten}} |
{{Chapter Eleven}} |
{{Chapter Twelve}}