
Dec 18, 2009 20:39

I just finished this week's episode of Sanctuary, and I have just one thing to say:


Really? REALLY? That's how you're going to end it?!?

But I loved snarky vampire!Tesla! Please let this momentary magnetism be a sign that he'll at least get his electricity-based powers back over time. Because seriously, that's one of the coolest powers to have, and fits so totally well with his character. 'Cause dude, Nikola Tesla + electricity = match made in heaven, for reals. They'd better not be thinking of ending his character.

Although, now that I come to think of it, being a human (Abnormal) magnet might make for some pretty funny 'fic:

Helen found Will staring up at the ceiling with such a raptly amused expression that she had to see what had captivated her young protege. When she looked up, she had to hide a smile behind a hand.

'Hey.' Nikola waved one hand lazily at her, looking for all the world as if he was lying comfortably on a couch. Given that he was currently held fast against one of the exposed metal support beams that made up the ceiling of the Sanctuary's main tech laboratory with no visible means of support, this made for a rather odd picture indeed.

'Do I want to know?' Helen asked, lowering her hand once she was relatively sure she could hold back her smile.

Nikola sighed. 'It's been happening more and more these past few days. Normally it's just a fork or something, but apparently I'm a bit more... attractive than usual.'

'Well, you always did have a magnetic personality, Nikola.' Helen quipped, unable to stop herself. Both Nikola and Will winced at that.

'Hmm. If you're going to be standing there, would it be possible for one of you to get a ladder? Since I'm not immortal anymore, I'd rather not see what happens when the laws of gravity decide to kick in.' Nikola asked, shifting slightly against the metal of the beam.

Damnit. Now I need to go write some Tesla 'fic to get me out of this flaily-annoyed mood I'm in.

On a happier note, Paul McGillion is supposed to be in the Season finale. *happy dance*

mood: pissed off, fandom: sanctuary

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