A thought from the random mind of Scarlet_Gryphon...

Dec 08, 2009 17:58

You know what would be funny? A parody/humor/mystery story where the opening line is: "And in other news, Mystery Inc is still on trial for the numerous allegations of wrongdoing & crimes committed during their long career as 'detectives'." 'Cause seriously, over the years, Scooby & friends did lots of B&E, numerous counts of harrassment, and a myriad of other things, including destruction of property. Does anyone else see the potential for awesomeness here? I do. I would so totally read/ buy this if it was a book.

The main people would be the real private detectives of Whereverthehell, USA, Scooby Doo! was based. You know, the people who don't make the news or have mysteries fall into their laps.

Or, this could be an epic roleplay....

EDIT: Now with forums!

---> Click me! <---

stuff: ramblings on, stuff: random, geek: i am a geek

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