May 25, 2007 11:34
greetings from the summer house.
_on math53
i was on the verge of getting a 5 last semester for my math 53 and the reason for it was the million dollar question. i've always doubted my capabilities but after taking it again this summer, i figured that no sleep [due to my arch requirements] reduced my brain's capacity to actually process whatever my prof's teaching me. however, when i took it again this summer [equipped with much needed sleep and energy], i realized that it was actually plausible to get a 1.5 or a 1.25 for this subject. heh. fun times.
and regarding my math prof last sem, he's stingy alright, but after the finals exam... my whole class realized that my summer prof's exams were, in all truth, a lot tougher than my previous' gauge of what is a difficult one.
and i quote from a friend, "you simply have to understand how the gears work. after that, you'll know how to operate any problem there is." true enough.
nonetheless, i love math. or maybe because i'm too addicted to Numbers right now. heh. whatever it is... math53 totally rocked (literally and figuratively) this summer.
_on HBO and Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean
Lord knows how much I wanted something decent to watch on the tube today. So when I opened the cathode and started flipping, I came across HBO and a familiar sketching most commonly associated with dave mckean. And heaven help me, it was MirrorMask. Hahaha! scary, coz I never thought there was a movie but hey... it's cool.
_on CRS
miracle of all miracles, i got all the 19 units i need for this semester. Hence, I get to enroll right away. Yipee!!
_on American Idol
Jordin had it. Oh well. I'm still having a big crush on Kath McPhee. Ho-hum.
_on some delayed shoutouts
to Mixka who's been all over the country to be the beloved and devoted sister, I miss you.
to Reg who's been soo patient with "our" prof, dude, you got it bangin'!
Chubs, when in the world are we going to Tagaytay??? I so want to go already.
To Jena, haha! girl... I so hope our skeds would be okay already.
Oh well... think that's it for now. More updates soon.