[private to Admiral]
You let him graduate.
Immediately after what he did to me. He kidnapped me, he held me for two days, he utterly fucked up my mind, I can't sleep, I can barely eat, I can't trust anyone, and you...let him graduate.
On my back. After causing me this much pain. After breaking me.
And you did this after draining me of so much power that I couldn't even defend myself.
You sick, sick son of a bitch. Do you get a kick out of seeing me suffer? Is that your thing?
Give me my powers back!
[open spam for...all over, really]
[Now she has two targets. That Duke guy...and Crane. And Crane especially she is determined to find. Today. Right now. She isn't going to stop until she's shut his flapping mouth. She doesn't plan to kill him, but she is sure going to kick his ass. Maybe then he'll quiet down around her. Maybe then people will stop assuming she's just a soft little victim.]
[Leaving Fozzie still snoozing on her crash mat, she starts methodically searching every single hallway and public area of the Barge from top to bottom. She fully intends to keep doing this until she finds Crane, someone stops her or exhaustion catches up with her. Her eyes are wet, sunken from lack of sleep and have a crazy look in them, her jaw is set, and she's dressed as the Scarlet Witch. Every once in a while little snaps of blue light sparkle around her fingers.]