A short rec post: Bioshock 2, The Wire, Tiger & Bunny

Jul 27, 2011 18:06

Fandom: Bioshock/Bioshock 2

Word count: 1721
Author: Wallwalker

Today a reporter somehow managed to find and accost me as I was enjoying an otherwise lovely dinner with Diane, and demanded that I share with all of Rapture my opinions about the new Narcosis Clubs that are sprouting in dark, hidden places like tumors in my city.

I said nothing, of course. I have no desire to speak of such sordid things. I find them utterly distasteful, and I say that it is a horrid display of all of the worst qualities of mankind that in the face of complete regulatory freedom they see fit to esbablish dens of hedonism that make Eve's Garden look like a child's playground. I know nothing about what is within them, and I have no desire to know.

I said as much to the reporter, who of course reacted with surprise and suspicion. I of course had to have her taken away; Diane was beside herself. It was... necessary that I save face.

Sinclair runs a vice den where plasmid-fueled tentacle sex occurs. As far as I'm concerned, this is practically canon.

Fandom: The Wire

Word count: 610
Author: evilhippo

The beacon was strongest in a certain condominium complex, but the buzzer proved too complex. He squinted at it hopelessly, drooling slightly before beating his head against it in defeat. Bunk took it upon himself to pound on the window, summoning the doorman to their aid. Instinct dictated that, when met with confusion, he was to hold up his badge. It was enough to get the doorman to open the door.

His brain had a slight rum and coke aftertaste.

The 'one word investigation scene', but with zombies.

Fandom: Tiger & Bunny

The Hare-Raising Adventures of Kotetsu Kaburagi
Word count: 8514
Author: Ardwynna

Kaede ran along the river bank with Barnaby for a while, always circling safely around the tree. When they finally grew tired and sat down, Kotetsu was napping. Barnaby hopped closer and nudged Kotetsu’s knee. Kaede sank down beside him, studying her father. “Want to know something?” she said, reaching out to stroke Barnaby. “He uses a stencil for that beard.”

During an unfortunate encounter with a young NEXT, Bunny gets turned into a bunny. Hijinks ensue. This fic is so cute. I just. Augh.

Last but not least, I'm in love with the Ask Sky High and Ask Tiny Teegur tumblrs. So. Cute. Hnnnghgh.

bioshock, tiger & bunny, the wire, recs

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