1. Because I'm a slowpoke, I decided to catch up on the Watchmen kinkmeme. Inevitably, I stumbled across forced impregnation egg laying mpreg and because it is Not My Thing I had a visceral squick reaction LIKE THIS
BUT I COULDN'T STOP READING IT because I like body horror and if something squicks me out I CANNOT TURN AWAY and my face was stuck like ಠ_ಠ for the rest of the night and then I sat and thought about it and I thought, 'actually, I can see the appeal of forced impregnation egg laying mpreg because it obviously ties into so many different kinks! There's something in it for everyone!' and then I felt a pressing need to get very, very drunk because no, I refuse to enjoy forced impregnation egglaying mpreg IT UPSETS ME PHYSICALLY.
I want to buy the author a drink.
Unfortunately, I am now unable to read about Veidt or Rorschach without thinking of forced impregnation egglaying mpreg. Then I giggle nervously. Someone hold me.
2. Why did no-one tell me that
Buckethead was awesome?
1. How do you feel right now?
2. What's your favourite pastime?
3. Do you consider yourself a strange person?
4. What's your main fandom?
5. OTP?
(But platonic okay.)
6. How do you describe yourself?
7. What's your favourite icon to use that's not default?
8. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?
9. Do you have a WTF icon?
10. How do you feel towards love?
11. Saddest icon?
12. Happiest icon?
13. Crackiest icon?