1. I am so used to writing Last Days that sometimes, when I go to open an rtf file, I catch myself typing 'last' into the filename window. :(
2. Apparently, there was a
Desert Storm Barbie. (Well, she was called 'Army Barbie', but she wore a Desert Storm uniform that was approved by the Pentagon.) Huh.
3. I went to London yesterday and a train derailed on the route I use, so the journey home took FOUR HOURS when it should have been an hour long. It was wacky.
4. While in London, I saw van Gogh's Sunflowers and a lot of Monet which, erm, did absolutely nothing for me. And I saw
The Hoerengracht , which was interesting but still gave me a strong 'artists who aren't sex workers comment on sex work OH BOY that's kind of problematic' vibe. Also, I saw
this and immediately thought, 'ha ha! It's Vetinari and Wuffles!' (It just took me two attempts to spell 'Vetinari' correctly. I must be tired.)
5. Also here is a photo meme ganked from
stephantom 1. answer the questions below using flickr search
2. choose a photo from the first three pages
3. copy the urls to this site: bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php
4. share with the world
1. first name
2. favorite food
3. hometown
4. favorite color
5. celebrity crush
6. favorite drink
7. dream vacation
8. favorite dessert
9. what i want to be when i grow up
10. what i love most in the world
11. one word that describes me
12. my livejournal name
Credits: 1.
dew-cloth, dream drapery, 2.
"">"spaghetti hair", 3.
Great Central Railway Leicester 31st May 1976, 4.
Nice Clouds Again..., 5.
Shadows Amongst Trees, 6.
My Evil Twin, 7.
Fog in Hobbiton, 8.
Still Life: Black Walnut, 9.
rock of ages, 10.
Monty's Korner, 11.
Volllast! Der Stasimann übernimmt das Kommando!, 12.
Midnight Blues