Мои твиты

Nov 05, 2011 18:40

  • Пт, 16:03: Tiger Maple has a very intresting pattern! Love it! Fantastic for interiors in Colonial styles! http://t.co/qIZ8QKjj via @ addthis
  • Пт, 16:08: @ AptTherapy has an amazing misson: Saving the world, one room at a time!
  • Пт, 17:41: Very good resource for those looking for veneer textures! (exotic!) Click pic and see more pics & details! http://t.co/UqMS4ha3 via @ addthis
  • Пт, 18:00: Strongly dislike the combination of wenge (actually black oak) and bleached oak - still quite common for Russian interior designs.
  • Пт, 18:03: Think, must do one. To find out what I can do with it. "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a smb who you hate."
  • Пт, 19:32: Have you ever seen Hornbeam stained to immitate Ebony Macassar? Suppose, this is it! http://t.co/dlH8FAry
  • Пт, 19:37: Ebony can't have such patter. And Macassar doesn't grow in Senegal (as it is said in descr). Am I right? Hornbeam here. http://t.co/cqUMYmlT
  • Пт, 20:08: Подозреваю, что компания Parketoff под видом Эбено из Сенегала продает граб, покрытый 2-мя цветами морилки http://t.co/dlH8FAry via @ addthis
  • Пт, 20:10: Эбено Макассар не может иметь такой арочный рисунок древесины. И не растет в Сенегале. Интересно, знает ли об этом компания Parketoff?
  • Пт, 20:20: octopus furniture design on top | Home Design | Home Interior Design | Furniture | Office | Kitchen - http://t.co/uKrsUGu4
  • Сб, 08:43: I have dot symbol in my email address by gmail. I have troubles with regestring on sm. sites. They don't allow dots in email box. Terrible!
  • Сб, 14:18: Like to feel that I've catched the trend. Now working with 2 mat. boders: "Contemporary African Tribal Int." and "From Siberia with Love".


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