Jul 16, 2008 01:15
So I don't know if anyone even reads these anymore. I haven't been on in ages and it's likely that it will be just as long before I venture on again. But you know, I sort of miss this thing. I miss all of you and reading up on your lives and being able to catch you up on mine. Growing up is strange, isn't it? I think I'm finally starting to accept it. And yet I still have no idea what the future holds. I suppose we aren't really meant to, though. Ultimately, I'm not sure I would want to know. I'd probably find some way to mess things up. I think that's why God doesn't let us know our future. We already have a difficult time letting go when things are so uncertain. Do you really think we would trust God more if we knew what was coming? I don't. I think I'd be more like, "I got this," than I am now. Thank you, Jesus, for the uncertainty. And the funniest thing is, even as I write this I worry about the future. Isn't it pointless? I'm worried about my future, my parents are worried about my future. I'm breathing right now, aren't I? My future is filled with uncertain occurrences and outcomes, but the certainty of God's grace. What more do I need? It amazes me what God has done in my life over the past year. If He can do so much in as little as a year, can He not do more in a lifetime? Certainly He can. There comes a point when you have to just trust. I think it is a lot easier that we all make it out to be. We have an easier time trusting imperfect people with our hearts than God, and there is something seriously wrong with that picture.