Fic: Okaasan? (Chapter 11)

May 12, 2008 15:37

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10


Jin stood there in front of Kazuya and smiled. The latter couldn’t help but smile as well. The background looked familiar, Kazuya thinks. He looked around once more as shock overwhelmed him. They were in their old High School, beside the tree that they always use to hang out and usually where Jin sleeps and Kazuya just reads beside him.

“I asked you before, Kazu, if I said I love you, would you say you love me too.” Jin started and Kazuya could just nod. The older man just sighed as he looked down. “But you said you only treat me as your friend, am I right?”

Kazuya looked in shock. He could sense the tone of hurt and pain that was evident in Jin’s voice and eyes. That didn’t go out as he expected so he walked closer to Jin and denied it. “It wasn’t like that, Jin! I mean…it was a huge misunderstanding! It’s not really like that. I mean…” What did he mean? He also looked down as wanting to avoid Jin’s gaze once he felt the latter look up again.

“Are you saying…if I said I love you, you would love me back?” Jin had to ask because he was already tired of having to deny his feelings any longer. Kazuya bit his lip, head still down and Jin had to look carefully for him to see his friend give a small nod as a response. This of course made him smile as he leaned in closer and hugged the younger one’s body against him.

Kazuya smiled in the embrace as he held on tighter until Jin whispered something in his ear. “I love you, Kazuya.” And surprised him with a kiss they’ll both never forget. But nonetheless, the younger one accepted it wholeheartedly as he wrapped his arms around the other one’s shoulders until they broke apart to breathe.

“I love you too, Jin.” Kazuya whispered back and they both smiled at each other.


Kazuya shook his head as he prepared breakfast for the still sick Yuki.

It’s just a dream. It can’t come true.

He continued to convince himself but he just can’t stop thinking about the dream. He sighed.

But…why did the kiss feel so real?

He bit his lip and unconsciously touched his lips after feeling that he might have kissed the older man for real. He blinked. He felt like smacking himself after that thought.

God. What’s wrong with me?

As if Jin would really do something like that.

He continued convincing himself as he walked up the stairs to Yuki’s room. He knew the latter was already awake since he checked up on him awhile ago. He entered the room with a tray of food in hand.

“Mommy!” Yuki said in glee reaching out his arms for Kazuya. The latter smiled as he sat next to him after placing the food down.

“Hey, are you feeling better now?” Kazuya asked as he felt for the latter’s forehead. He sighed in happiness as he felt his temperature slowly decreasing. Yuki nodded. “Good. Now eat breakfast so you could take your medicine.” The older one said.

“Daddy still sick?” Yuki asked worriedly but Kazuya just shook his head. “I don’t think so. He already looked better awhile ago so don’t worry, okay?” The latter smiled as he fed Yuki a spoonful of the food.

“Oh and by the way, Daddy and I would go to your school later again okay?” Kazuya declared as he fed another spoonful to Yuki. The latter’s eyes widened when he heard this. “Yuki got in trouble again?” The older man just laughed and shook his head.

“No dear,” Kazuya smiled. “Your principal called us for a Parent-Teacher Conference and we’re going.” He declared even if Jin told him last night not to go with him. Seriously, what was wrong with Jin? He shook his head.

“Can Yuki-chan come?” The younger one asked as he opened his mouth and allowed another spoonful of food get in. “No, you’re still too sick to come, Yuki. Don’t worry, Uncle Yamapi and Uncle Junno would accompany you,” And I would also ask Ueda to come so that nothing ‘bad’ would happen. He added in his mind.

“Oh, okay,” Yuki pouted but he knew better than to argue so he just ate his breakfast and let his ‘mother’ feed him and make him take his medicine.


Jin woke up with a huge headache since he wasn’t able to sleep because he was thinking. Too much.

He was thinking of what happened before he slept and after he got out of the shower.

I didn’t really kiss him…

…did I?

He bit his bottom lip as he held his head and tossed and turned around the bed as he continued on denying what he just did. “No, no, no! I didn’t really do that, right?!” He yelled at no one in particular as he continued his childish acts.

He was lucky that Kazuya was not around and was still in Yuki’s bedroom that night. He continued to go crazy around the bed and rolled around while hugging a big pillow next to him.

“No! I didn’t kiss him!”

But Kazu’s lips felt so soft.

“No! I never did that! No, no, no!” He continued to roll around the bed as he kept on convincing himself that he never kissed his friend.

But he did kiss me back so does that mean…

…he likes me too?

Jin’s eyes widened at that. “NO! Kazu was sleeping that time so that option couldn’t possibly happen! Uwaa~ What should I do?!”

Because he was being too occupied with his emotions, he never heard the door open.

“Hey Jin, can I borrow some-“ The intruder suddenly stopped when he noticed what Jin was actually doing. He looks…like he’s masturbating.

The intruder coughed out loud for him to be noticed but failed. Yamapi was the said intruder so he did nothing else but ran out of the room and look for Kazuya.

“Kame-chan! You’re husband is doing something unpleasant in your room! I think he’s looking for you!” Yamapi yelled so loud that it was heard across the hallway and into Yuki’s room where both Yuki and Kazuya were.

Yamapi smirked when he heard rushed footsteps coming from behind Yuki’s door and his smirk grew when he saw Kazuya walking fast towards him. “WillyoushutupYukijustgothissleepmoron!” The latter glared hard but the other just brushed it away.

“Don’t be so tense about it, Kame-chan.” Yamapi said as he placed an arm around his friend’s shoulders. “Besides, I’m thinking of another person who would need your help more than Yuki, I suppose,” He winked at the younger man which made the latter just look dumbfounded.

“Oh just see for it yourself,” Yamapi encouraged as he pushed Kazuya towards Kazuya and Jin’s bedroom and the younger one just couldn’t reject so he continued to walk towards the said bedroom. Good luck, Kame-chan! The older one walked down the stairs thinking that he could hear the reaction from there.

Kazuya breathed deeply, kind of nervous for what he’s gonna see. Heck even just outside the door he could hear Jin’s wails and yelps and the younger man bit his lip as he opened the door.

He blinked when he saw…nothing unusual.



He rubbed his eyes again to see if he wasn’t hallucinating but it seemed his eyes weren’t fooling him. Jin just lay there; sound asleep as if he had never woken up once. Kazuya shook his head as he walked closer to the other one to check if he really is sleeping because by the way Yamapi had said it, he wasn’t.

“Jin?” Kazuya called. “Are you awake?” He leaned in closer and the other could already feel Kazuya’s breath against him. Honestly enough, the older man was pretending to sleep again just so he won’t get embarrassed in front of Kazuya. He was sure that the younger man heard him with all those whining and such.

“Jin?” The other tried again. He accidentally let his hand run down across Jin’s waist making the latter suddenly sit up and shriek. This made the other blink once more and his thin lips suddenly turned in a huge smile and started laughing.

“I knew you were, Jin. Now come on, tell me what’s going on here awhile ago,” Kazuya raised a brow as he finds himself a comfortable spot next to Jin on the bed. The latter pouted but eventually moved a bit to let his friend sit next to him.

“Nothing special. Just had a…a….a crazy dream! Yeah! That’s it. A dream,” Jin grinned sheepishly trying to convince the other but it seemed he failed. The younger man looked at Jin pointedly trying to find any lies in his eyes but sighed the same time the other did. “Honestly Jin, you’re really going crazy these days. What’s wrong with you?” Kazuya shook his head at the statement but Jin just bit his lip.

He was a bit insulted, yes but he was still thinking if he was going to tell Kazuya the truth or not. If he was going to tell the truth, then he had to tell the whole other truths as well but if he didn’t, well, he was sure Kazuya could always force him to do so.

He heaved out a great sigh when he finally made a decision.

He was going to tell Kazuya the truth. Now.

Kazuya just stared at him arms crossed. “I’m waiting,” He said and Jin looked at him seriously. He sat up to be a bit higher than Kazuya and said, “Okay then. I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking about these days.”

“Good,” Kazuya nodded. “Don’t move, okay?” Jin commanded and the other nodded again and Jin leaned in closer to Kazuya’s lips. The latter, however was still oblivious and dense to what’s going to happen so he just waited for Jin to do his stuff.

The older man was just about to kiss Kazuya but luck wasn’t on his side when the latter’s cell phone ringed again. He cursed the said machine but only mentally for his friend not to hear though. Kazuya pushed away from Jin as he got up and got his cell phone again.

Jin frowned again when he found out who the caller was again.

Matsumoto Jun.

Seriously, can’t that guy keep off my Kazuya for once?! Sheesh. Jin growled as he crossed his arms and waited for his friend to continue. And just when I was about to confess, there he goes and ruin the moment! God burn him. He added in his mind.

It wasn’t his fault though. He just got so pissed off that the man just can’t stop calling Kazuya and of course the latter, being the dense and oblivious he really is, just kept on answering the said calls. Can’t he see that that jerk wants to go out with him? He sighed heavily as he continued to wait.

After Kazuya hangs up the phone, Jin decides, that he was going to tell him all out his feelings for the younger man and won’t waste a single detail about it. And maybe even have some make-out sessions if he was lucky that the other loved him as well.

That thought made him stop.

What if he never loved me back?

Thousands of possibilities crowded Jin’s mind that he never noticed Kazuya already in front of him ending the phone call. “Jin,” The younger man called. After receiving no response from Jin, Kazuya tried again. “Jin!” He shook the latter making him look at Kazuya.

“What?” Jin asked shocked. “We’re going to the Parent-Teacher Conference today, remember?” Kazuya reminded as he got up and tried to find some womanly clothes to go on and wear in front of the teacher or even the principal. “What? I thought I said before that you weren’t coming?” Jin growled making the other look at him.

“Oh Jin, don’t be a baby,” Kazuya said as he threw a nicely pressed polo on Jin’s face then followed by a pair of slacks. “There, go on and change. We have to go there now because it has already started.”

Jin sulked a bit about it but just followed his orders.

Maybe I could tell him later then.


They already got into the car and Kazuya suddenly asked something. “Jin, my conditions list was in the coffee table in our room awhile ago. May I ask why it is there?”

“Oh! That…erm…no reason, I was just looking at it and recalling it,” Jin replied as he drove outside the gates of his mansion. “Did you do anything to it?” He asked back and saw Kazuya shook his head from the corner of his eye.

“I just left it there thinking that you might still need it,” Kazuya said.

“Oh, I see. Then there’s no problem then.” Jin said as he turned to the next street.

What they didn’t know was that leaving something important as the list would cause them trouble. A great, big trouble.


The meeting with Yuki’s homeroom teacher ended smoothly and they just talked about Yuki’s great behavior and participation in class and how he gets along well with others. He’s also pretty defensive sometimes but he’s just a kid and most kids undergo that stage. Kazuya and Jin dismissed themselves after that smiling at Yuki’s great performance.

“See Kazu? All Akanishis are great as ever!” Jin bragged but the other just rolled his eyes at him. “Yeah, great in being stupid,” Kazuya murmured but Jin just pouted at that. He was about to retort something back but someone else beat him to it.

“Ah! Akanishi-san, you made it,” Jun arrived suddenly and Jin did nothing else but glare at him suddenly. “Yes, nice to meet you too.” Jin said but it seemed the older one didn’t hear or recognize him since his eyes were fixed on Kazuya.

Seeing Jun recognize his presence, Kazuya just smiled and greeted him. “Good morning to you too, Matsumoto-san. It’s such an honor to come here again.” He said. He never noticed Jin’s flaming jealousy already starting and continued the conversation with the Principal.

“Yuki’s a great kid, I hear?” Jun smiled and Kazuya nodded. “Of course, I raised him well.” Both men laughed at that while Jin was left there, feeling left out and such. At first he didn’t mind Jun conversing very nicely with his best friend but what the older man did next made him really mad.

“Say Akanishi-san, you wouldn’t mind talking about your son in a different place sometime right?” Jun smiled as he held out Kazuya’s soft and smooth hands which made the latter suddenly feel uncomfortable about it. The younger man was about to say something but Jin managed to say something first.

“Listen Matsumoto-san,” Jin started emphasizing on each syllable on the Principal’s name. “I don’t care if you’re the Principal of one of the finest schools here or anything but I’d like to warn you right now to get your hands off of my wife!” He was practically screaming which caused most of the people in the hallway look at the sudden ruckus.

“Akanishi-san I-“ Jun tried to say something but Jin finally managed to push him away from Kazuya and kissed the latter suddenly. It didn’t only surprise Jun but Kazuya himself as well!

It was actually a forced kiss with the grip Jin had on Kazuya’s arms and glares on Kazuya’s shocked eyes.


Yuki did a few more finishing strokes before finally exclaiming, “Finished!” He stood up from his seat, got his drawing paper and ran back to his uncles…and aunts.

“Auntie Ueda, Auntie Ueda!” Yuki called suddenly making Ueda choke on his tea when he suddenly heard his name being called like that. He twitched a bit. I thought I already told that brat before to never call me Auntie Ueda ever again?!

However, the little boy was already settled in front of him before he could even react. “What is it, Yuki-kun?” Ueda smiled.

“Look, look!” Yuki exclaimed as he placed a paper in front of Ueda’s face to see. “I made a drawing of Daddy, Mommy and me!” Ueda looked at it clearly trying to see beyond the doodles but he knew the said drawing was there. He smiled as he patted the little kid’s head and praised his work. “Nicely done, Yuki-kun. Now why don’t you go and show it to the others?” Yuki nodded excitedly at this and ran to go and find his other uncles.

Ueda sighed as he continued to drink his tea.

Yuki also showed it to Yamapi, Junno and Ryo who were busy playing video games but stopped for awhile to give Yuki some time.

“Very well done, Yuki!”

“It just looks like you!”

“It’s so cute, ne?”

The little kid felt really happy to receive those praises. “Now I’m going to leave it in Mommy and Daddy’s room as a surprise for them!” He declared and everyone else agreed with him and continued with their playing.

Yuki ran up the stairs excitedly as he opened the door of his parent’s bedroom and decided to leave it in the big coffee table. “They’re going to be so happy when they see this!” He hoped as he skipped across the big room and placed it on the said table.

However, another white sheet caught his eyes and he decided to pick it up.

Kazuya Kamenashi’s REAL Conditions List

The young boy’s eyes widened when he saw this.

Who is Kazuya Kamenashi?

What are these conditions about?

Many questions filled his mind and he wanted to figure it out. He felt so strangely hurt and had a bad feeling about it as his heart felt heavy all of a sudden. Because of this, Yuki cried so loud that Ueda heard it from downstairs.

Seeing as the others were still busy playing, the mature one rushed up the stairs to see what made Yuki upset.

“Yuki, are you okay? What happened-“ Ueda rushed to Yuki but his eyes widened as well when he saw what was beside the child’s crying figure.

The list.

The older man bit his lip. He never felt so useless like this. He didn’t know what to do this time.


Kazuya felt defeated and had nothing to do but go with it as he tried to relax himself and let himself fall deeper into the kiss. He slowly closed his eyes but opened them wide again once he felt the other pull away suddenly.

During the kiss, neither Kazuya nor Jin noticed the smirk playing on Jun’s face while they were doing their thing. “Touch her again like that and you’ll die, Matsumoto,” Jin warned angrily with a very low voice and dragged the still shocked Kazuya back in their car and go home.

I should be the one telling you that, Akanishi-san.

…When Kamenashi himself isn’t your real wife.

Jun was still smirking all the way and ignored the looks given to him by other parents as he walked back to his office. This was more interesting than I thought.


Author’s Notes:
Double uh-oh for this chapter it seems. I’ve already had it all controlled. I think. What I’ve planned is that this will end in 15 chapters and a possible epilogue after that. THERE WOULD BE NO MORE SEQUEL AFTER THIS. I’m telling you. So please don’t beg for a sequel so darn much because I’m a real sucker for that, seriously. Do that, you die. xD Just joking. But yeah, I’ve already made my decision that this won’t have any other sequel or whatever.

Also, I’m sorry for not replying to the other comments in the previous chapter. My internet sucked last time and so did my computer. m(_ _)m I’m really sorry.

Oh and I’m going to have another fic after this so yeah~ Wee~ x3

What’d you guys think? :D Comments are ♥!

group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, i think i just died, x3, fic, fanfic: multichapter, kazuya kamenashi is love, i fail in flailing, i'm being indecisive again, i have mixed emotions right now, bored, fic: okaasan?, being a fangirl should be a crime, -_-;, boredom

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