Smash n Mash Wednesdays, Thrashin' Thursdays & Sunday Sprints

Mar 20, 2009 10:39

I woke up at 8:30 this morning to 67 degree sun shining on my face.
Spring has sprung.

Other exxciting things:

Next week Cassie and Bobby are moving into an apartment three blocks from my house on S Temple and 9th E!

Weekend ride is in the works for tomorrow with Tyson, Todd and Loni. Come hangout!

Payday tomorrow and a shopping trip which may or may not result in purchasing a lot of items from JCrew, and Vans for riding. Yes, I said Vans.

Free midnight showing of Clockwork Orange at Brewvies tomorrow night.

UnPunkd Monday at Burt's.

Chris might be visiting in April?

All I want to do with my life is bomb down hills with the sun on my face.
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