AWW nice stuff

May 31, 2006 18:08

My friend sent me a text message the other day.He lost his Mother a year and a half ago and he has since taken over the charity work she used to do.So,he was doing a collection for the samaritans the other saturday and he stopped to listen to a busker,who looked homeless and was just kind of chilling and playing this beautiful music with his little dog by his side.My friend gave the guy all the change in his pocket(a couple of quid),the homeless guy responded by sorting through all his small change and putting it all in my friends collection box.All the time they were right opposite a group of wealthy towners(where he lives its a bit snobby and divided), who were quite happy to sit and enjoy the homeless mans music while they had their afternoon tea,yet failed to even give him a smile.
It gave me such a warm glow to think of people doing all they can possibly do for each other,even when they have barely anything to give....I wish there was more of that going on in the world.
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