Apr 16, 2012 15:52

And there it is.

The world piles up on me, and I run to my blog. Its time for another update anyway.

So three months of living outside of a suitcase was brilliant. Turns out, I can do this. Yay me. I assembled a fantastic array of skills in these three months. I made entire meals out of tortilla wraps, cheese and oregano. I learnt that the Sacred Ibis is not a 'fucking ugly bird'. I learnt to use chopsticks. I learnt the difference between tourist food, and street food. I learnt to drive a car in a different country. I learnt to flip people off while driving in a different country. I learnt to assemble a scuba tank. I learnt that fish don't respond well to poking. And I learnt that a shipwreck is not the appropriate place to do a happy dance.

There are things that stand out about these few months. Sydney was charming in a very in your face sort of way. I'm here, I'm Sydney, get used to me. Darling Harbour was awesome for me. Any place where a guy dressed as the Green Lantern gets smacked on the arse with a paddle is my new favourite. The Blue Mountains with Sarah. Living together with Sarah, Mireille and Ruta in a one room hostel. Scrounging eight dollars for a beer. Getting a picture with a koala. Although in hindsight, the emus were my favourite. Oh the emus. They were hilarious. Of course, this was also the destination I officially became part of group 6- the best group in TDM history. That's right. I said it, bitches!

Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai tries too hard, is what I thought. But I had my share of fun here. The cooking classes were brilliant. As were the reggae bands. I bonded a lot with Iva here. Of course, we bonded over a musician who couldn't decide which one of us he wanted. The music was brilliant though. Ain't No Sunshine, When I Come Around, No Woman No Cry- all in a fantastic Thai accent. Ignore the hookers, go for the bands is what I say.

Bali. Well, I finally did everything I wanted to in Bali. I dove down in the ocean and saw the shipwreck. I saw a sea snake, a sting ray and swam in a school of fish all in the same day. I became an open water diver. Bali is probably the place I will look back at in ten years and say 'this is where it started'.

And it has started. I just don't know where it will end. And it makes me so nervous I can almost throw up. It also makes me deliriously happy. I have been a seething mass of emotions and I really, really hope where I end up is all worth it. Because I've seen what's out there. And it doesn't get better than this.
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