Jan 29, 2012 12:26

So, I leave for Sydney in three days.


You know, about eight months ago I couldn't even dream that I would be doing this. That I would be living on my own, and pretty successfully except for some ridiculous bad luck with pick pockets which frankly, I give up on.

Other than that, I have managed haven't I? I can cook, I have backpacked across Europe, I have been to  concerts and music festivals, finally conquered that silly little smoking hang up and I have met people from so many places that I can't even keep count any more...it's been a period of amazing growth. And I wonder if I am the same person I was before. Surely not, because that person seems like someone so far away now. So very far away.

As do others. But that's all right. With time, I suppose.

I'm closer to my family now, but very far away from my dreams of drawing a steady pay check and diving. Hopefully, one day I'll do both. Hopefully. Fingers crossed, I say.

Breda has been great and I'll be sorry to leave. That's how it is though.

So here I go. Sydney, Bali and Chiang Mai.

It's quite a ride.

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