May 16, 2010 15:12

Lately, it's as if all I've been doing is listening. I listen, they talk. I politely decline to listen, and they still talk. And by they, I mean anyone and everyone I associate with on a daily basis. I listen to Anisha yak about her love life, I listen to coworkers yak about their lack of love life and then there is Sahai and I can only pray that she sorts out hers sooner or later. The term 'Magnet for the Demented' is so apt, it's almost scary. Scratch that, it's most definitely scary. Anyway, all this listening has me exhausted. I was under the impression I was surrounded by stable people. Turns out, they're all clinging to the last thread of sanity with their teeth.

That being said, my birthday was fun. I turned 21 with the grace and maturity of a young adult.  I have a vague recollection of some very loud screaming-"You can't make me! You can't make me!" There was cake though. Half of which ended on my face. And the office gang turned up. Ramji was sober thankfully. He had spent the night before trying out scotch for the first time, and it didnt end all that well. The city doesnt take too kindly to blokes running around chasing generator trucks at night...Blame it on Cummins, I say.

Speaking of which I am totally losing it. I am dreaming about my projects at night. One night before sending out a report, I dreamt that Harneet had already sent his out after 'estimating' the data himself. Some other night I dreamt that I needed to request a leave and then I saw my boss hop and skip by (yes, literally) and I remembered I have a project deadline. Seriously getting the heebie jeebies....

But I digress. I had some fun too. I, my cousin and Anisha snuck out of the house for a drive at 1:30 in the night. When we got back, a furious Rukshita was waiting for us (my younger cousin, FYI). We are now being blackmailed and have been instructed to take her with us the next time we go out. Still it was worth it. And speaking of driving, I touched my first 100 kmph just the day before. I'm so proud. G was proud too, once he stopped screaming.

Oh, and I saw Pulp Fiction- one of the many many movies the afore mentioned boyfriend gifted me for my birthday. He's the absolute best. And Pulp Fiction is a close second. Totally enjoyed it.

Well thats it for now. Peace to my brethren and all that jazz...

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