I hurt and I have bad dreams

Nov 02, 2005 09:00

Waaa, I am officially falling apart. I'm so tired of things being wrong with me all the time. Enough already!

My leg is so swollen and it really hurts to walk. I have to take half an hour in the mornings to apply antibiotic ointment to all the sore spots and then put gauze over them and then wrap something around them to keep the gauze in place. I need more ace bandages and rolled gauze.

To get the swelling down, I'm advised to elevate the leg at night. But when I elevate it, without fail I get agonizing leg cramps. So my choices are to have pain walking during the day or to have pain every half hour or so as I'm trying to sleep.

And it wasn't enough that there were sore spots on that leg, apparently; now I'm leaking lymph all over the place too. It's no fun having anxiety dreams and then waking up with your leg in a pool of lymph.

