It's been forever!

Jan 02, 2011 16:53

WHOA ANGELA IS POSTING! I think I've finally crawled out of my hole or something! Brand new years tend to do that, haha. With that said, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone feels ready to achieve their goals this year! oraaa!

Mine is pretty simple, but I anticipate that it may be harder than it sounds: I just want to be a better friend. Get to know the people I care about more! I want to actually be the one to start a conversation, to IM people randomly just to say hi (unless that's just annoy-) <--SEE there's my problem! I have this constant fear that I might be annoying someone if I contact them! Or call them, whatever it is I'm doing. I should call people more often or arrange something to do together more often instead of waiting around for someone to come to ME. I'm beginning to realize that there are things I might be overlooking when it comes to... well, having friends and family. I want them to feel like I appreciate them. I just have a hard time showing it, that's all, because I'm afraid that no matter how much I've developed in the ways of knowing how to deal with people and talk to them, I'm afraid of either boring them, disappointing them, or coming across like I flew in from a different planet. I want to tell you guys a secret: chances are, I love you more than you realize. I'm just too worried about making a butt of myself simply contacting you and wind up having nothing to talk about.

Awww, and my rping really stinks right now. Just one tag takes so much out of me. One! And I take so long... with ALL my characters. I guess I just want to find the time to readjust and stop feeling so lost with them. Retouch them, give them more life... but more than just giving them the life they have, but SHOWING and DEMONSTRATING that life. Gain confidence again. Hopefully I can find a method that helps me out. I'm not really worried about what other people think about my tags or how the characters are portrayed; I'm more concerned about my own opinion and assessment. I'll only feel happy controlling them if I feel content! Suggestions would really help, though, and honestly? I wish someone would dish me some crit. Give me something to work with. Mainly I feel bad for Bugsy, Falkner and Tony because I feel like they haven't had the chance to really... come out. I want to give them that chance. Of course, with Bugsy, I just need to stop being a slug and actually POST something, for crying out loud! BD;;

Holy blue cow holy blue freaking cow I knsdfks we can probably go to Chicago and attend ACEN with a crowd of sbgers! 8DDD I can't believe how possible it is! Mostly I'm just excited because I really want to meet my friends in person but omg. omg. If I can bag a job, that possibility will be firmly grounded and I'll definitely say yes. Then you can all see how crazy I am when I'm right beside you o-orz.

But as far as this goes, the chance for me and Emily going is 85% in my eyes. It's a little hard, paying for something as big as plane tickets and hotel fees and blah blah grah all in one sitting, which is probably the biggest dilemma. I'm worried about the what-ifs, like "what if I regret this". "What if something happens and the whole thing is canceled." Don't get me wrong, I'd pay so much money to visit friends, but it's always hard to spend so much money no matter WHAT it is, am I right? oAo; It's a lot of pressure, and the longer we wait, the more expensive it gets.

As far as our usual Sakuracon, I'm... not entirely looking forward to it so much. =_= I mean, it's great! Conventions are fun! Tiring, but fun! But the expense of hotels... I don't know if it feels worth it this time around; plus I'm already going to acen which will take a big bite out of my wallet. The only reason I'd go at all is because of friends who WILL be attending, and if they want to go with me, I want to go with them. Mostly I say this because I remember Sarah wanted me to come. I think the best way to do things is to just go one day. Sure I'll miss the whole fun of "it's like spending the night! *A*" but there's always more years to come if I want to do that.

I can't wait for spring to arrive. Winter is nice sometimes, but it's not my favorite season. :[
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