It's a whole new education, I'm learning from you all the time

Jan 01, 2007 21:54

I forgot that I was supposed to do my yearly reflection entry to keep you all informed somewhat about my life. Let's see...I spent the better part of the year trying desperately to fall out of love with certain people. Well, okay, mostly just one. The jury is in and I find myself a free and incredibly independent woman. More than anything else I found myself this year. I know who I want to be and who I want to have by my side. I've learned that I need to be more picky about people I become friends with...I realized that being nice to people can be different than completely trusting them. My second semester of college presented me with the opportunity to get out and make friends that I know I will keep with me. The summer presented me with some interesting plotlines and I found that I like working and being productive over anything else. I wanted to go to Hope so bad that I sacrificed every minute of my time and found out who my real friends were in the process. I guess the nice way to put it is that I did some "weeding." If you're offended by that I'm sorry, but that's how it went and it's not to say that you aren't great people but I just needed that in my life. I had too much baggage and it was weighing me down. So in the end I couldn't wait to get back to school and start over. (For God's sake, I was starting to have a "thing" for a man that was completely completely completely wrong for me..don't worry, it won't happen again) This past semester has been the best 3 months of my life. I can't say that I've loved every second of it, but most of it I have. I have been outgoing and positive and more importantly, ME and have made so many friends as a result. I LOVE my friends at school and although I haven't known them long they are like family to me. I love the nothing conversations that reveal so much. :) Overall, 2006 has been good to me. I am a stronger person because of it. I am ready to control my own life again...Michigan here I come.

Happy New Year all. May yours be as good as I predict mine to be.
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