The Beauty of LSD

May 15, 2005 11:27

The Beauty of LSD

When Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD he called it his “problem child”. In the time between the first intentional LSD experience until now people all over the world have been introduced to a new dimension they never knew possible. One full of shapes, and colors, the beautiful and the ugly, visuals and feelings one could never grasp unless they were torn apart by this bully of a drug.

My first experience with LSD is one that I can say ripped my soul out and cleansed it. I remember the big LSD craze in my small town not even a year ago. If only the mothers and fathers of these drug crazed children knew just what we were getting ourselves into. It’s not as if LSD was anything new to them. Their generation is the one who paved the way for all the drug-loving kids today. It was only the variable of disrespect and carelessness towards the drugs that changed the way they are viewed now; drugs like LSD.

The first time I ever saw blotter papers it was something like euphoria. Knowing the power that these little blotter papers held in their grasp made me feel weak and powerless. The taste of real LSD blotter papers is a mix between coke drips and that ever-lasting chemical taste. It was bitter and its contents clung to my tongue as I tried to dissolve the small squares in my mouth. Was I really ready for an experience like this? I had only heard others stories about this miraculous chemical but you never really understand until you’ve been experienced.

The wait is the part that frightened me most. Knowing that at any second I could begin to hallucinate images not legal in the United States of America. When it finally did come on I could feel it sinking its teeth into my spine. First, a sudden rush of adrenalin and then the tracers tail every movement. Luckily the song playing was, “ Lucy in the sky with diamonds” when my comrades and I noticed the first few signs of the LSD come up. It helped to keep us calm.

A special thing about LSD is that when you’re on it, it seems like if someone were to walk into the room they would have to be seeing what you were seeing. The unexplainable shapes and colors and the infamous kaleidoscope vision were all present in my state of mind. I could feel my body being lifted by some power and the feeling only grew stronger until the come down. While on this chemical I began to think a lot. My thoughts overflowed with passion and instability and the only way to calm this horrible drug down is to just let it take over. Something as powerful and as spiritual as LSD can be beautiful or it can be very, very ugly. People who are not quite ready for such an intense drug are easily spooked. They’re problem is that they won’t let go of reality. It’s a very difficult thing to immediately hand yourself over to a monster as wicked as this one when it wants to play.

There isn’t one thing I liked more or less about my LSD experience. Everything about it was perfect. From the first moment the blotters slid across my tongue until the final few hours of the trip. I despised waiting for the chemical to finally stop its roller coaster ride. When the visuals were starting to slow down and I could no longer move I knew I was ready for it to end. After 2 or 3 hours of coming down on LSD your body and mind have been worked out to the fullest and they are extremely venerable and tired. This was a time of reflection for me, thinking back to the images I saw and the new world I opened up to myself. It felt like a chapter of my life had ended and a new one began. I had finally received closure to some part of my life that I wasn’t sure of. My bones felt weak and fragile and I wasn’t in the mood for a friendly conversation. All I could do was think and reflect on the lessons I learned and what I was going to do to with all these new feelings and ideas. I had been spiritually, emotionally and physically enlightened. I no longer felt a need in my life for something more than what I had.

This was one of the most personal experiences of my life and something that many of my comrades were not pleased with. I didn’t care though. No one could ever make me hate LSD or believe in the falsifications that our everyday media and the anti-drug protestors toss around. I didn’t care only because I know the truth and they never will. I believe that no one should speak for a drug like LSD except it’s creator or even the few, very lucky experienced people; the people who gave themselves up and trusted in something as mysterious and unpredictable as LSD.

People who have not been around drugs and who do not understand them could never begin to imagine the trip they could take. They don’t see the beauty and the enlightenment. All they see is a word like ‘acid’ and associate it with something unclean and deadly. Even worse is that these same people are taught whatever small bits of false information the government provides. The fools they are to give up all their beliefs trust and leave it in the hands of a country build on greed and lust. Do Americans really believe every lie they are fed? I get the feeling that America is starving for the easy way out they would do anything to be a true and blue American, even if it meant giving up your freedom of choice and the freedom to experience something bigger and greater than yourself.

I’m not quite sure if there will ever been a mutual agreement on the mess of chemicals and plants the 60’s drug culture brought to the table. When humans are allowed to reach further then their country and are able to break down the walls they have build around themselves for so long now, only then will that momentum of the wave come rolling back. It’s only a matter of time before that wave of “inevitable victory over the forces of good and evil” will rise above the watermark left by the first pioneers of the 60’s drug culture. And although that kind of energy could never be duplicated again it’s important to remember that once upon a time in memories not so far away a beautiful and untamed spirit will live on in the hearts and heads of the Experienced.

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