
Feb 22, 2005 18:12

the reason you had a bad day today is my fault.


i feel completly alone sometimes. I dont mean to sound like the live journals kids who whine to their computers; but today i wanted to shoot myself in the head.
i dont ever know what to say. i think im so stupid sometimes because i just dont fucking now what to say. And i dont understand why, " i dont know" isnta good enough answer for anyone.Because what if i really just dont know.
i really do try my best to make the best out of ever situation and no one else seems like they'll do that. Its like... i just want to slap everyone and tell them to wake up because the world is much bigger than them and there is alot more going on out there than just their circle of friends. Maybe im being hypocritical..but at leased i can admit it.

i gave a guy 50 cents today and im really happy i did.

my moms birthday is in 3 days. Id give her something but i dont know where she is or what id give her. I miss her so much and i just want to see her one more time.. even if its the last time i see her. i dont understand why people just leave. I hate the fact that i cry evertime i think about her because i hate crying. I just died.ndfhljbdfjBBNVWENV
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