Mar 09, 2007 03:53
And it sucks. I have my 2nd Art History test later on today at 1:30. I think I'll do ok. I've been studying for it all week. But still, whenever I feel somewhat confident going into tests I usually either do well or horrible on them. But we'll see how this goes. I should hopefully get the scores back....I don't know. I was going to say next week, but next week is Spring Break. Eh, whatever.
So, as usual I have a lot on my mind.
My grandma came back today(Thursday). She apparently left Sunday morning before I woke up to go visit some other friends. She had left last Wed. and came back on Saturday. She'll be leaving I think on Tuesday, so that will be good. She may take us out to eat one more time, but I have no clue.
Ok serious ow! I just sneezed and instantly my entire left arm just began to hurt. My body is so weird.
I finished watching The Dead Zone last week. I forgot a lot of what happened in Season 3 and 4 except for what happens in the finale of 3/premiere of 4 and finale of 4. It really is a good show. I'm glad it was picked up for a 6th season. I still need to see Season 5 though and that should come out in the beginning of June, if the release is consistent with the other 4 seasons.
So last Sunday, while I was mulling in my complete boredom, I figured that I wasn't going to wait for Spring Break to play KotOR and started a new game up. I only played til I got on Taris. Then I went to bed. Earlier this week I played a couple days, and finally got off Taris, which I was unable to do in my first go around with the game since I did everything wrong basically. It seems to be progressing, I may play some today after my test. I would rather just go to sleep, but if I did that then I'd sleep through work and that's not so good, despite what Roger may say. I will definately be playing it throughout Spring Break.
Speaking of Roger, he was out of contact for about a week, for reasons still unknown to me. He had his laser eye surgery Wednesday, and I must confess, the way he kept having all those eye appts. I figured he would never have it. So now he can apparently see, better that is. So that's good. Although now he'll have to think of some new clever excuse for when something bad happens to him and he starts losing.
I finished the first of a few archiving sessions for me earlier today. I backed up all my posts from my first LJ account, and promptly deleted it. So now you all know what I was doing when I had the Archivin' away message up.
The excitement of the upcoming release of the Pretender TV movies is returning to me, since I kinda had to push it aside so I could remember all these goramm Greek names.
Another major thing I plan to do during Spring Break is to bust out my UCF catalog/book that has the selection of courses and descriptions of the majors and such. I want to get some research done on that part since I'm going to be pushing it to declare a major.
As I was talking with Mike about this on Tuesday, not having one will cause me problems (at least some) come April when I have to sign up for the next 2 semesters, 3 if I count summer.
Summer...that's a issue in it's own right. As of right now there are so many variables going on around summer it's just nuts.
First off being summer school. I'm still debating whether I'm going to take a class or not. I need to check with Mike to make sure that you need 30 credits to officially become a junior, considering when I finish this semester I'll have 27.
Then, if I don't have to take summer school, a lot of stress will be lifted off of me. But if I do have to go, I'll have to decide when. Should I go the early half or the later half. This of course has a direct correspondence with my second variable.
Our trip up north. As of now, the dates we know of are of my cousin Carly's graduation, but unknown of her party. My cousin Faleigh's sweet 16 party. My cousin Donny's graduation, which is most likely out of our hands since it depends on how many tickets my Uncle gets. Donny's grad party won't be til way later, so it's out of the question. ...There was another event that has escaped me at the moment. The majority of these occur in the middle of June. So if I go up, it would mean that if I had to take summer school, that I would need the later session.
Varialbe 3 is one of job related. Last summer, I think mid-summer to late summer my parents wanted me to get a job at my dad's office. But at the time my dad handed in my resume, they were cutting people, so I obviously didn't get hired. And thankfully since I didn't want to work there. And now this year it's the same thing. They brought it up about 2 weeks or so ago. I still don't want to work there. But my mom has this f'n idea that I plan on staying at Albertsons. Which I don't. My dad has already submitted my resume already and still wants me to order my official transcript from UCF even though I won't need it if they don't hire me.
This directly ties in with the second variable. If I do get the job at my dad's place, then the summer will really be an issue. Because then it will cause complications with the trip. Because if I get it, I'll be just starting out. Which means that they probably don't want to let me have off for the length of time I'll be gone on my trip, which I'm estimating is 2 to 2 and a half weeks. This could force me to cut my trip short, which I'd rather not even though I'm not a big fan of my cousins in some regards. But that in itself is a whole 'nother subject.
Speaking of my cousins, I talked to Ali on Sunday, even though I didn't want to. She called to talk to my grandma, then talked to my mom, who yelled up to me that she was on the phone and I asked if I wanted to talk with her. I said 'no'. And my mom being how she is, totally doesn't even hear whatever the hell I say and tells my grandma to give me the phone. Glad my mom listens to me. So I talked to Ali for, I don't know maybe 15 or so minutes.
But I'll go into that at another time. Because it is now 3:53 AM and I'm going to try and force sleep upon myself, again.