Jul 05, 2005 02:27
Today (or yesterday, if we mean to be correct about the time) my typist celebrated Independence Day (she's American, obviously). Neighbors were setting off fireworks in the streets. It was.. dreadfully loud, I must say, and only entertaining for the first few minutes. And it seemed rather messy all together. I do hope that they cleaned-up the burnt containers and ash and all that.
Afterwards I went to the mansion and talked to Rosa.
*disgustingly happy sigh!*
It's been a long while since I've felt this way, I think.
*resists the urge to twirl*
I don't think I've never felt this happy or loved in my life. No repercussions, no consequences, no ultimatums. Just.. love.
*resists resists resists*
I feel like I'm the luckiest man on Earth.
*resists resis--* Oh damn it.
*TWIRLS and falls back onto a couch laughing*