Yesterday was a bit of a turning point methinks. Me and Mikey had planned to go into town and mooch a little bit - perhaps do the charity shop thing, get a Costa, just, you know, chill.
The night before I'd said I might not come cos I was being wiggy as usual but come the morning, I was awake a good 15mins before the alarm went off, so I gave myself a mental shove and jumped in the shower. Once I'd done that, I washed our mugs up, made us tea, did myself up as a painted Jezebel, and sat at the pc checking mail/forums etc. While I'd been in bed I'd been mulling over a drawing I wanted to do of my mage, so I logged onto WoW briefly and took a few screenies then logged off again. Mikey made me toast (yay!) because I'd decided I wanted NOTHING to be a factor in possible wigout and taking hunger out of the equation was a good start. I finished getting ready, ate toast, drank tea, sketched a little...and it came out good for the first time in months!
So obviously I left the house on a high...we did the town thing...I bought books (masses and masses - my running total is now 827 :D). I nearly had a bad turn but managed to disable it (not before I shouted at Mikey though :( sorry babe) and we carried on. There was a bit of a close call when in one of the charity shops "Iris" started playing, but we both got a bit upset over that, and then Mikey kicked the radio and muffled it so that made me giggle...we went into the shop next door ad the same bloody song was playing...curse you Lincs FM! we ran out and I said to Mikey "Quick! Do something funny!"...he slapped himself which shouldn't have made me laugh but he did it comedy stylee so it did >.< We went to sit on the wino benches and saw a Peter who danced for us :D Then Mikey danced too :D Then they stopped because there was a policewoman behind us and we didn't want her to think I was some sort of dancing fetishist and was going to pay them - still it would have been funny to see Mikey and Peter arrested for "dance-related soliciting" *giggles* I should have thrown pennies :P
Anyways, after that we hit KFC but the place randomly smelt of vomit so we left and sat on the wino benches eating sandwiches. Then we visited the LARP house where much fun-ness was to be had - we ended up staying there all afternoon chatting away to Ryan, Abi, Ken and Gems PVK which was ace! When we left we kidnapped the Gems and took her back to drool at the books *grins* Belly came to pick her up and I gave him some of my second copies - mainly cos I was shocked that someone else actually knew what the Otherland series was *laughs*
3 out of the 4 of us hadn't eaten, so Mikey went to fetch chips for his mum while Gems and Belly Tekken'ed for a bit and I checked forums, then he came back and we all went to Pizza Hut where we were served by the delectable Lacey *sighs happily* ah bliss...sat next to great boobs and served by them :D Twas heaven! We found kids drawing books and played Squares....Mikey got grumpy because he wasn't winning...then he was so it was all good....but then he was distracted by pizza....can't blame him, twas mighty fine pizza (goats cheese and red onion...omfg *falls off chair*)
After that we went our separate ways - me and Mikey attempted to watch some Buffy but we started dozing on the sofa so we went to bed :D
I decided that I was going to actually update my LJ and I also decided to finally join Facebook as I dozed off, and sure enough, I got up this morning and did both!
Here is my Facebook page for those who are interested: I have made friends requests to people already but if I haven't to your good self by all means poke me...feel free to pet the rabbit :D Her name is Fluffy and she is cute and sweet and deadly *smiles innocently* If you see a pic of yourself on there and you object, shout at me and I will take it down.
I love you all! And to those of you that were a part of it, thank you for an AWESOME day yesterday.
Laters all :)
*hugs and waves*