13: The unluckiest number

May 13, 2011 10:40

[Well, the curse this week is highly amusing for Crowley. After all, even though he could perfectly sense people's desires on his own, seeing people's thoughts was even better. The SFC turns on and Crowley smirks- his own bubble is filled with dark smoke and something that looks like a little green snake, twirling in its depths.]

Seeing people's true thoughts- isn't that funny to see? I bet a lot of you are hating every moment of this- but not me. This is like my own personal holiday over here.

C'mon, don't be afraid to show your faces. I want to have a good look at what is going on in your minds...

[Crowley chuckles and then presses a button, intent on filtering to one of his best friends in the city.]

Hey, Nodoka. How are you d-


[The demon stares, then presses the button again.]


Hold on. What's going on with you? Are you malfunctioning or something?


[Suddenly, Crowley understands, and his face shows it- his bubble flashes images of him and Nodoka together, and the snake inside matches Crowley's look of utter shock.]

B-but...it couldn't be. Not Nodoka. Not her. N-not now.

[The demon sets his face in determination, completely unaware now that the SFC is still filming him. He presses the filter button again, this time for a different number.]

Um, Aziraphale? Just...can I come over and hang in your place for a while? It'd really he-


No. No no no no. This has to be some kind of bloody joke.

[Crowley presses the button again and again, with numerous "ERROR"s sounding out before he stops. Oh, this is just too cruel. For the first time in a long time, Crowley actually looks scared- almost like a child who has been left behind in a world he doesn't understand. The bubble darkens, and the snake inside curls up in a corner, peering out with shining yellow eyes.]

[After a long pause, Crowley laughs, though it's without any feeling.] So this is what I get when I let myself get attached. I see how it is.

[Another laugh, and a dark look settles on the demon's face. Pictures of him and Aziraphale flash in his bubble, happy and carefree.]

Thanks a lot, Vatheon. I-I wish I had never come here. I'm just your plaything, aren't I? A plaything which you build up and make happy before your tear their whole life apart like a kid tearing down his sandcastle.

[A demonic grin.] And you know what? I don't want to be your damn plaything anymore.

[And with that, the SFC suddenly turns off. People who come by the area later will discover a mangled SFC on the ground, crushed to the point where it doesn't look like an SFC anymore...]

[It'll take a while for him to get in the mood to reply.]

where's nodoka and aziraphale, time to get drunk, someone is going to pay, brb being depressed, i hope you're happy lamufao, bugger this place, sad little demon

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